Linked Questions

2914 votes
94 answers

Warlords of Documentation: A Proposed Expansion of Stack Overflow

It’s been 7 years and 10,000,000+ Questions since Stack Overflow was launched. The amount of good that has been done for the field - all the developers helped, all the person-hours saved, all the ...
Kevin Montrose's user avatar
1286 votes
48 answers

Sunsetting Documentation

We will stop accepting contributions to Documentation on August 8 2017 On behalf of everyone who worked on Documentation, I want to thank all 15,451 users who contributed. We particularly want to ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.5k
353 votes
52 answers

What can we put in a question template to help people ask better questions?

Update: Our v1 experiment is done. We used a template loosely based on enderland's answer for this experiment. See this post for an overview of the results. Based on your feedback the DAG team is ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.5k
270 votes
25 answers

Tearing Down the Structure of Documentation [closed]

If you have told us (or privately thought) Documentation isn't working: You are correct. It isn't. Yet. Since early on in the private beta of Documentation, we’ve used a simple, rigid structure: Tags =...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.5k
495 votes
13 answers

The dawn of Documentation: a solstice update [closed]

Normally Kevin does these updates, but I wanted to take an opportunity to talk about how Documentation is doing from my perspective as a community manager. For the last 3 years or so, building ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.5k
320 votes
14 answers

On large communities decaying over time, being nice or mean, and Stack Overflow

Wandering about the Internet, I stumbled across why online communities decay over time. This is a rather good article and should be read in conjunction with a group is its own worst enemy. I strongly ...
user avatar
283 votes
9 answers

Is Documentation failing? [closed]

Are there any stats for Documentation about the activity in a specific tag? I have observed that a niche tag like MATLAB is pretty much dead (last action on Dec 2nd). I personally lost interest in ...
Oleg's user avatar
  • 10.7k
186 votes
9 answers

Can we please introduce more reputation limits for examples on Documentation? [closed]

Documentation. Also known as a gold mine for people who love to get easy reputation points. Right now it's being (ab)used by many users, some of whom are using it to exponentially increase their ...
angussidney's user avatar
40 votes
12 answers

The Foundations of Collectives and its Future

Since the announcement of Collectives™ on Stack Overflow, we’ve seen a number of potential narratives emerge for how and why Collectives exist. So in the spirit of continued transparency, I thought I’...
Teresa Dietrich's user avatar
178 votes
3 answers

Can we talk about the voting culture here on Meta?

I'd like to start with saying that I emailed @Shog9 back in August with the text below, because I'm not a particularly good writer, and I was hoping he'd be able to write up a nice post here. A couple ...
user247702's user avatar
  • 24.2k
42 votes
11 answers

Let's draft some guidelines for Articles in Collectives

Note: This is the first in a series of questions about Articles in Collectives. About Articles on Collectives When we introduced Collectives on Stack Overflow, we also introduced a new content type: ...
Philippe's user avatar
  • 101
140 votes
5 answers

What's Documentation for? [closed]

I've been raising this question occasionally in comments for a while now, but I thought it was worth asking it as a Meta question: just what's the point of Documentation? What niche do the development ...
Mark Amery's user avatar
  • 154k
192 votes
3 answers

Stack Overflow is not yet a vast wasteland: a history of moderator tooling

Warning: this is long, rambling and extremely boring. I'm writing it because I tend to get a lot of questions regarding the rationale for changes to the moderator tooling on SO, and I'm hoping to have ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 159k
55 votes
4 answers

Meet Team DAG! (Developer Affinity & Growth)

Not quite dang. Not quite unless you see them at play in their native habitats which few will ever travel far enough to do. Sometimes, you really should pay attention to the folks moving around behind ...
user avatar
58 votes
3 answers

Users are creating Topics in Docs without any guidance or cautions [closed]

I've been trying to keep the PHP list of Topics clean. A common issue I'm seeing (and removing) are Topics that are just too localized (i.e. tutorials on how to perform some highly specific task), but ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.6k

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