Linked Questions

8 votes
0 answers

Top nav bar sticky preferences

I saw the new nav bar update and a linked post to make the new nav bar not sticky. I went and checked the box to unstick the bar on the main SO site, but then noticed it's still sticky here on Meta. I ...
CDspace's user avatar
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-19 votes
1 answer

Headline always visible

I tend to have a lot of tabs open in my browser at all times. Of these many are from Stack Overflow. The problem I'm having is that when I come back to a tab after say a week, I don't necessarily ...
DaedalusAlpha's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

"Delete" button in "Recommend Deletion" out of visible range

I know this is a bit petty, but any chance to budge up the floating window or reducing its size a little so the "Delete" button will be in visible range so we won't have to scroll down every time ...
Koby Douek's user avatar
  • 16.5k
-13 votes
4 answers

Position fixed navigation bar

I want to suggest making the top navigation bar in an fixed position. I would like to see this change for the following reasons: This would be beneficial while answering questions because you could ...
urnotsam's user avatar
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