Linked Questions

21 votes
2 answers

Reorganizing documentation sections regarding Apple technologies [closed]

Right now, we've got these sections: Objective-C Swift iOS Cocoa (meaning: macOS) The problem is that there's a lot of overlap. For example, in Objective-C, someone requested a topic about Grand ...
DarkDust's user avatar
  • 91.6k
56 votes
0 answers

Make documentation more searchable [closed]

I would like to propose some better ways to search documentation. Right now if I want to find something in the documentation it's terribly difficult. It's good to make people write good documentation ...
Cimbali's user avatar
  • 11.3k
35 votes
1 answer

Where can we discuss guidelines for Documentation on a per-tag basis? [closed]

So I took a closer look at a tag in Documentation I happen to know well, PHP. At the moment, there seems to be little of value there. :( Take pretty much any section there and look through the ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 446k
1 vote
2 answers

Add indicator saying if user has contributed to Documentation [closed]

We have Docs now, and some signs indicate that it completely changed the way reputation is perceived. Some users may love this, but others don't as you can see here and here. If the rep is not going ...
Felipe Pereira's user avatar
38 votes
0 answers

FYI - New Documentation Review Queue for Proposed Changes [closed]

In a few minutes, we'll be turning on a new review queue for documentation's proposed changes, detailed in this meta post. This is just a heads-up to let everyone know to report bugs here or tag them ...
Jarrod Dixon's user avatar
  • 15.8k
-13 votes
1 answer

Proposal to group your related questions together in a series

I think it would be useful if we could group questions together in (a) series. For example, the Documentation Beta updates are a series of questions, but they aren't grouped as such: Documentation ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 2,927
13 votes
1 answer

We need a way to close duplicate Doc topic requests [closed]

People are filling queues up with requests (some of them good) but there's a problem in that I can't flag requests as dupes of one another. I can only flag it as a dupe if someone has already created ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.2k
29 votes
0 answers

Increase the filtered tags limit in the Documentation review queue. [closed]

It would be great to be able to put more than three tags into the “filter” button, so I could review everything I’m interested in.
Jed Fox's user avatar
  • 3,014
3 votes
3 answers

Maximum number of examples (6) exceeded? [closed]

I was just trying to contribute something to Documentation, but I got an error saying: Maximum number of examples (6) exceeded. Consider deleting examples, moving examples to another topic, or ...
Agaz Wani's user avatar
  • 5,594
16 votes
0 answers

My changes to JavaScript documentation goes through review even though I have silver JavaScript tag badge [duplicate]

According to the post about Documentation Update on August 4th, I should be able to skip review when submitting changes to JavaScript documentation, as I have a silver JavaScript tag badge. However, ...
Michał Perłakowski's user avatar
13 votes
0 answers

Is the Draft Limit Appropriate? [closed]

Some other questions talk about the difficulty of doing complicated cleanup of a tag. While having unlimited drafts seems problematic, having only ten open drafts across all of Documentation feels ...
Nathaniel Ford's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Show related documentation in questions [closed]

Sorry if someone already pointed this, but was not able to find any similar suggestion. It would be very nice if SO put a list of related documentation of question the same way it's listed related ...
Ricardo Pontual's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Earned 700 reputation because I added 2 sentences. Why? [duplicate]

I have earned 700 reputation for this edit. I added "Async and await can make working with promises easier. Unfortunately, this feature is ES7+." I got 6.69 reputation per character. Is this a bug? Am ...
michaelmesser's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why limit Documentation to 11 examples? [closed]

I've checked out the Documentation section a couple of times since it's been released to the public and I honestly cannot see the reason behind limiting every topic to 11 examples. I'm sure 11 ...
Mark O'Sullivan's user avatar
15 votes
0 answers

Proposed change review should link competing proposals [closed]

I'm sure that I'm not the only one who has had a proposed change clobbered by another change. Currently proposed changes do not cite if 'accepting' them would clobber other proposed changes. Would it ...
Nathaniel Ford's user avatar

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