Linked Questions

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Real-time notification causes navigation page to scroll [duplicate]

I'm using the New Navigation Release Candidate, and I view new questions in my SO favorite tags with Then I scroll down on the page. When a real-time ...
Barmar's user avatar
  • 763k
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Moving the tabs left or right does not trigger the save button [duplicate]

As noted here, when moving tabs right or left, reloading the page will put them back to their original position. An easy workaround is to add a tag, remove it, then save, which will keep the new ...
Félix Adriyel Gagnon-Grenier's user avatar
-26 votes
5 answers

Reducing the number of low quality posts without excluding potential newcomers to our community

There's been much discussion on how to reduce low quality posts on the site. Both as questions and answers. I was having a discussion with someone about how we can improve the instructions to new ...
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