Linked Questions

32 votes
7 answers

Creating the Windows 10 calendar in VBA Excel: can we allow broad and useful "canonical" self-answers?

This is concerning the question: How can I create the Windows 10 calendar in VBA Excel? This question has 4 close-votes and a lot of upvotes. It is a self-answer that appears broad… until you realise ...
wizzwizz4's user avatar
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56 votes
8 answers

Upvoting for reasons other than "showing research and effort" [duplicate]

I found a question (10K link) with downvotes, I believe its cause IMHO this question isn't that hard to begin with, the answer to the question as it stands is very clear, and I think that's the reason ...
Just Do It's user avatar
31 votes
4 answers

Question Effort - What's our line in the sand?

TL:DR: Is lack of effort a reason to close a question? Over the past few weeks, I've seen conflicting information about whether a lack of effort should contribute to the closing of a question. I've ...
Lewis's user avatar
  • 3,520
26 votes
3 answers

Any ideas why my question about programmatically finding details for a "certificate" object was closed?

I asked this question about programmatically finding details of an SSL certificate represented by a X509Certificate2 .NET object. It was closed as "too broad" in ten minutes. How is this too broad? ...
sharptooth's user avatar
  • 169k
58 votes
7 answers

How can we guide established users towards contributing higher-quality answers?

I recently interacted with a user who answers many questions with links only, with little to no explanation of what the problem was or how to fix it. I commented that the post should include a local ...
davidism's user avatar
  • 125k
48 votes
2 answers

Please help me to understand close reasons

The roots of recent problems I have raised on Meta are mostly about a feeling that is common amongst regular users: that the tools Stack Overflow offers are inadequate for the task. This leads to ...
Borodin's user avatar
  • 127k
15 votes
4 answers

How to improve question quality of new Stack Overflow users

TL;DR: The low quality of questions has been linked to decreased activity of users who have > 25k reputation. Improving question quality would benefit both ends. What would be the best ways to ...
Mikael Jumppanen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How should we handle "weasel words", or unintentionally broad questions that aren't?

Related to Is asking for solutions to a problem that has more than one possible solution too broad for SO? and Please stop having opinions about things, but meant as a more general question. I think ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 150k
-21 votes
1 answer

Flag on comment declined every time

Someone commented on my question and that comment is not related with current question, I have flagged many time but its declined every time, It's okay if comment is not part of the answer but other ...
turivishal's user avatar
  • 35.3k
12 votes
1 answer

Reopening a "poor" question with a good answer

I am talking about this closed question. While the question doesn't show research effort, nor attempts, it's quite canonical (short, clear, and with an image). I doubt adding some attempts will ...
Sinatr's user avatar
  • 21.5k
-28 votes
1 answer

Question that is extraordinarily clear has been marked as needing details or clarity

The following is a link to the question I think should be reopened, or closed for a more applicable reason. The comments I received started with a ...
user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How is this horrible question considered on topic [closed] How is this considered on topic, and why are high-rep users encouraging "Here's my code, ...
UpAndAdam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

On the criteria for "too broad" questions?

A couple of months ago, I started contributing to Stack Overflow, and since then I've been trying to understand issues such as "review" tasks. Although most issues seem pretty clear, others ...
armatita's user avatar
  • 13.2k
6 votes
1 answer

Question closed as duplicate of question closed as too localized

I just saw this question: How to compare three doubles and find the maximum, minimum, and the medium? (In the shortest way possible) Closed as a duplicate of this question: Fastest way to sort 3 ...
Tim B's user avatar
  • 41k
11 votes
1 answer

Dealing with a question that is asking for code

I've come across the following question, which seems to just be asking for someone to write a C# equivalent of some SQL for them. I wanted to vote to close, but couldn't find anything in the close ...
Doctor Jones's user avatar
  • 21.4k

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