Linked Questions

9 votes
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Feature Request: Not tag inheritance, but tag suggestions?

There have beens some questions asked before about tag inheritance, and while it would certainly be useful in many situations, there would be some unfortunate side effects. The example I came across ...
FreelanceConsultant's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Adding extra, possibly unneeded, tags?

As I understand the main purpose of tags is to categorize content. Some tags target a generic language like SQL, and can (and in many cases should) be qualified with the specific product (and version ...
jpw's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Tag inheritance [duplicate]

I'm a user that visits many sites of the Stack Exchange platform, but basically do the most on Stack Overflow. For the past 2-3 years I've studied on my own the Python programming language and I'm ...
SonicARG's user avatar
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Expand close as duplicate gold badge coverage?

I have ability to close questions, tagged with ios, as duplicates without the need for voting, however there are other related ios tags (for example ios7, and iphone*) which I should be able to close ...
trojanfoe's user avatar
  • 121k
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Calculate reputation by tag and action

Is there a way to calculate reputation by tag and action (question or answer)? It would be great to see a matrix like: Tag A Q --- ----- ----- crystal-...
craig's user avatar
  • 26k
135 votes
3 answers

Wouldn't tag inheritance make sense?

Several times, I wondered if adding a notion of inheritance between tags would be useful. And I think so. This would majorly make sense with versions. Let's take a few examples: css and css3 html ...
zessx's user avatar
  • 68.5k
10 votes
1 answer

Simple tag hierarchy to aid in searching / browsing [duplicate]

Many tags have natural parent tags, in the sense that a question tagged A would almost always be of potential use to someone searching or browsing questions tagged B. For example, all winapi ...
Harry Johnston's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Would a tagging "metonym" feature be overkill?

There seems to be a fair number of tags which despite being quashed often re-appear on the "new" tags screen as if waiting for the day someone tags a post in which the context give's it's existence ...
Emissary's user avatar
  • 10.1k
10 votes
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Creating a [qtcore] tag

I have been considering for a while to create a qtcore tag on Stack Overflow. My main objective was twofold: Consistency: this would be in line with the existing Qt Project module tags, such as: ...
László Papp's user avatar