Linked Questions

68 votes
11 answers

Question Close Reasons - Definitions and Guidance

This community-wiki Q&A is a compiled set of guidance for the close reasons used on Stack Overflow. It's meant to be a canonical repository and a resource for the community – both for authors of ...
-9 votes
0 answers

What should we do about code written in a language other than English? [duplicate]

I recently came across This question which has comments written in German. There are many examples of code comments in other languages on other questions, I just saw that one today. I don't know what ...
3 votes
2 answers

When should I flag as "in need of moderator intervention"? [duplicate]

I flag a lot of questions that ultimately are closed, but I fail to understand how to flag them. Recently I received a declined flag, pointing me to the Help Center page on the Flag Posts privilege. ...
924 votes
1 answer

How does the Triage review queue work?

I recently got the privilege to review questions in Triage, and I'm pretty sure I'm already doing it wrong. I've read some of the Q&A about the Triage review queue here on Meta, but I was ...
41 votes
11 answers

Staging Ground Workflow: Canned Comments

Throughout this year, we’ve published several posts about different aspects of the Staging Ground. This post will focus specifically on canned comments that Reviewers can provide on the question. We ...
16 votes
0 answers

How can I flag an answer not in English? [duplicate]

I just hesitated flagging an answer in German to a question in English. I wasn't sure which flag option to choose, so I decided to send it to moderator attention with a note saying "This answer ...
1 vote
0 answers

What can I do with questions with titles not in English? [duplicate]

If the title of a question is in some language other than English, what should be done? Is there a flag defined for this purpose? In a recent case, I flagged it for moderator attention. But it was ...
33 votes
1 answer

Appropriate flag for a non English answer (or question) [duplicate]

Which flag should I use for a non English post in reviews? Example here
12 votes
2 answers

Add Not in English flag for answer just as there is for question

There is a flag called "Not in English" for questions, but the same flag doesn't exist for answers. I think it would be helpful if the same flag (called "Not in English") exists ...
23 votes
2 answers

Are low-quality / low-effort questions more likely to be judged as spam or abusive if they are also not in English? Is that a problem?

This question (10k+ link), after being closed as not in English, was locked and red-flagged ("This post is hidden. It was flagged as spam or offensive content and deleted 1 min ago by Community&...
35 votes
2 answers

Are answers written using machine translation or grammar correction tools considered 'AI-generated' for purposes of the ban on AI-generated content?

English is not my mother tongue so I am not very good at it. I use a translator tool to make my answer more efficient. Then I correct the grammar of the translated sentence using 'Grammarly extension'....
94 votes
2 answers

How do I make a good edit?

I would like to edit posts on Stack Overflow. How do I make a good edit that will improve the quality of the post? Return to FAQ index
67 votes
3 answers

Clarify suggested edit rejection reasons by changing "causes harm" to "custom reason"

Harm is already covered as a rejection reason: We have two rejection reasons already for edits that cause harm: spam or vandalism This edit defaces the post in order to promote a product or service, ...
27 votes
2 answers

How should non-English answers with code be handled in the Low Quality Answers queue?

I have seen this answer but it was not made clear specifically how answers such as this should be handled. The answer includes a non-English description of a code block. Given the facts that: Non-...
69 votes
3 answers

Advice for non-native English speakers

I'm not a native speaker of English, but I want to ask a question on Stack Overflow. When I finish typing it out, my question gets a lot of downvotes and comments about the grammar being wrong. How ...

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