Linked Questions

387 votes
33 answers

Are high-reputation users answering fewer questions?

This recent answer posits that due to a hypothetical decline in "interesting" questions, a large number of high-reputation users have been decreasing their activity on the site, especially in the ...
David Robinson's user avatar
203 votes
12 answers

Stack Overflow fatigue - has your usage / motivation dropped off?

I joined Stack Overflow during the private beta testing phase - I had the time of my life posting answers, asking questions, learning by reading other's questions. That was 2009. Over the last few ...
Gishu's user avatar
  • 137k
106 votes
14 answers

Help set Q&A (TeamDAG) product development priorities [closed]

Thanks everyone for your feedback on this post. As expected, there is a lot of passion around how we spend our resources improving Q&A. There is an undeniable desire to see DAG focus on ...
Joe Friend's user avatar
111 votes
5 answers

How do I respond to assertions that Stack Overflow is just like a forum?

I was talking to a kid the other day who had a Python issue. Not being well-versed (or really, even badly-versed) in Python, I asked if he had checked Stack Overflow. Let's just say that he is a "...
Mark Benningfield's user avatar
232 votes
3 answers

Did Google recently update algorithms in a way that's bad for Stack Overflow questions?

Until recently a simple Google search was great for finding answers on Stack Overflow. I generally don't restrict searches to because it's a pain to type and I occasionally get ...
Cliff Ribaudo's user avatar
149 votes
1 answer

Should one advise on off-topic questions?

This may be one of the most common quandaries I have when looking through Stack Overflow questions, when the author has written an obviously off-topic but genuine question such as Windows Forms ...
Stacker-flow's user avatar
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98 votes
5 answers

Show Google results before user can post a question

That people will ask questions that are super easily Googled (with the #1 result often being… a Stack Overflow question) is a fact of life. Our history shows that there’s no way to tell people to ...
Pekka's user avatar
  • 449k
74 votes
5 answers

Are there questions that are too trivial to answer?

...and what should we do with them? I'm starting to see questions on the Python tag like: "How do you access a value in a list?" (i.e., how do you use a basic data structure) "How do I call a ...
Two-Bit Alchemist's user avatar
-27 votes
5 answers

A Welcoming Change: What do we have to lose?

Several questions here on Meta these last few days have raised objections to Jay Hanlon's blog post, Stack Overflow Isn't Very Welcoming. It's Time for That To Change. Jay's post can be summarized ...
Katie Kilian's user avatar
  • 6,965
37 votes
5 answers

Are "what's this problem called?" questions off-topic?

Every now and then I see questions that describe a programming problem, and the asker wants to know what the name of it is, kind of like using SO as a reverse Google. For example, what they are ...
samgak's user avatar
  • 24.4k
89 votes
2 answers

Why is the quality of PHP questions, on Stack Overflow, in decline?

I've been on Stack Overflow since 2012 and have seen a fairly steady decline in the quality of questions asked in the php tag over the years. However, I noticed a significant incline in the sheer ...
Sherif's user avatar
  • 11.9k
15 votes
2 answers

Dealing with a user who is upset by a downvote and lashes out at my competing answer [duplicate]

Earlier today, I gave this answer to a question. I also went through the rest of the answers and found one that had incomplete content. Although he had some explanation at the top, the code snippet ...
beerwin's user avatar
  • 10.3k
43 votes
3 answers

New lows in JS tag quality

I didn't think it was possible, but we seem to be plumbing new depths in the quality of javascript questions. Recent questions include one asking how to compare two values, and another asking how to ...
user avatar
27 votes
2 answers

Is it possible (or meaningful) to forbid someone to create a new account to get past a ban?

Recently this question has been on Meta: What is the appropriate way to report someone who created a new account to get around a ban? To me that particular issue there seems like a duplicate ...
Suragch's user avatar
  • 510k
8 votes
1 answer

Where do all these 'user123456' accounts come from?

Being a read-only user for a long time, I hadn't noticed this before... But, switching to 'registered user' and reviewing all these questions asked - I wonder, where all these newbie accounts (i.e. 1-...
agg3l's user avatar
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