Linked Questions

-4 votes
1 answer

How is this spam? [duplicate]

I was in the Triage queue and this audit popped up. Any single place / tool / site to list all AWS regions an AWS service is available in? I went into the flag menu and then decided otherwise from ...
0xLogN's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

In the triage queue, if the comments ask the user for more information, should it be flagged? [duplicate]

In the triage queue one comes across questions from all disciplines. If there are comments under the question asking the OP for more clarity, should I flag it as needing an author edit or should I ...
Abhishek Rai's user avatar
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6 votes
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The purpose of "unsalvageable" for triage [duplicate]

Suppose a question is mostly good but is just missing a piece of relevant data from the poster (e.g., the poster is asking about an error message in Python but forgot to provide the traceback). Based ...
Daniel Walker's user avatar
1 vote
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If the question is ok, should it be upvoted? [duplicate]

In the triage queue stack encourages to upvote questions which show research and a sincere effort. I see consensus on many many questions, but never any upvotes on either of them. What is the correct ...
Abhishek Rai's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How should I review a low quality question on triage? [duplicate]

I was doing some reviews and I've found this question: Failed to start an Appium session, Error: Could not find adb. Please set the ANDROID_HOME env variable with the Android SDK root directory path ...
Aurasphere's user avatar
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What is the wrong judgement in reviewing queues? [duplicate]

I was reviewing queues some minutes ago, as I think it can help the community, and I encountered two things which I do not really understand nor agree: This first image was an accepted review. But I ...
M.K's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Failed audit question [duplicate]

I failed an audit, for reasons that I now understand. However, I got hit with "YOU FAILED THE AUDIT", and am blocked from reviewing for two days, even though I've passed all of the recent tests I can ...
betseyb's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Triage - Requires Editing or Looks OK? [duplicate]

If I edit the question by visiting the link in Triage, after editing should I click "Requires Editing" or "Looks OK" ? If I want to edit the question without going to Help & Improvement review, ...
Smart Manoj's user avatar
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5 votes
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When reviewing the triage queue, should I hit Requires Editing when the user say thanks? [duplicate]

Let's assume we have a question posted. And let's assume this question is brilliant from a new user. Let's also assume that this new user added the text "Thanks" or "Any help would be ...
Tomer Shetah's user avatar
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4 votes
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When should "Flag" be selected in Triage over "Needs author edit"? [duplicate]

Triage has been updated to use the options "Approve", "Needs community edit", "Flag", "Needs author edit", and "Skip", as opposed to "Looks OK&...
shreyasm-dev's user avatar
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-11 votes
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Review suspension for using "requires editing" after edit has been made [duplicate]

I got a review suspension because I voted for "Requires Editing" on triage/26950302. Conclusion: Thanks for the answer. I now understand it is really "forbidden" and not just ...
Alex's user avatar
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What is a triage question? [duplicate]

I was looking at the review page for Stack Overflow, and I came across a triage question. This then made me ask myself, what is a triage question? Can anyone tell me what one is?
jgh fun-run's user avatar
4 votes
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In Triage reviews, does bad English grammar equal "Requires Editing"? [duplicate]

I'm new to the review queues. Knowing that my own English isn't perfect at all either, does bad English or grammar require me to push the 'Requires Editing' button?
Kurt Van den Branden's user avatar
0 votes
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Can duration of first review ban be 2 months? [duplicate]

I had been reviewing in queues that I have access to. First I completed my 40 "First Posts" review. Never knew that would be a surprise test. But I passed them all. Then I also passed the "Late ...
Dharmaraj's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to handle a question in review that is not for Stackoverflow? [duplicate]

I got this review in Triage. Since it does not fit to Stack Overflow, I do not know what to do, because it does not need editing nor is it unsalvageable. I opened it in a new tab and flagged it to be ...
Jurik's user avatar
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