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Need explanation for failed Triage review audit [duplicate]

I just failed a review audit I do not fully understand why. In my eyes, the question would be salvageable if the author improved it, hence I clicked "Should be improved". Since the question was ...
Markus W Mahlberg's user avatar
108 votes
29 answers

Help Improve The Help & Improvement Queue! [closed]

A short time ago, we introduced the new triage queue - a place where users can quickly sort questions into various categories, where one of those categories is 'needs improvement'. Until now, we've ...
user avatar
132 votes
4 answers

Change triage guidelines for "requires editing" [duplicate]

According to these posts: here and here (and some other posts around Meta), the following guidelines for Requires Editing in the triage section are misleading: Requires Editing for questions where ...
Adrien Brunelat's user avatar
296 votes
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Adopt a consistent policy on what "Requires Editing" means in the review queues

In the review queues (and the triage queue in particular), there are three options for a post. One of those options is labeled "Requires Editing". In the description of what those options ...
Cody Gray's user avatar
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Increase reputation requirement for triage

The bar needs to be raised for triage reviewers. Inspired by this: By the many users (such as the one unsalvageable vote shown) who get disputed flags ...
Travis J's user avatar
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Why is this question not ok?

I failed this audit in triage (screenshot). The description of why it wasn't "ok" was that it was spam or complete nonsense. I don't think the question was spam or complete nonsense, so does someone ...
Frank Bryce's user avatar
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Triage gray areas - what should we do when the question is borderline?

This was pointed out in an answer to the original topic thread, but could probably do with more extraction, as it can be viewed as quite subjective whether a question qualifies for "Looks Okay&...
Compass's user avatar
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77 votes
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Help and Improvement review queue not working

This queue seems to have an awful lot of questions that should be closed. Someone somewhere is neglecting to vote to close and just saying "Should be Improved" which to some extent all these ...
Toby Allen's user avatar
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79 votes
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Difference between Should Be Improved and Unsalvageable in Triage

I have recently been given access to the Triage review queue and actively reviewing questions on it. I am a little confused about when to use "Should be improved" and "unsalvagable". According to ...
Antony D'Andrea's user avatar
62 votes
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What's the point of the "Very low quality" flag action, in "Help and Improvement" reviews? Where's the downvote / close option?

In the "Help and Improvement" review queue, there are 3 possible actions to complete the review: Edit Skip And, a little more obscure: A link saying "question is very low quality", which flags the ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
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Why is "Should be Improved" now "Requires Editing"?

My understanding was that the wording was not going to be changed, because this is status-declined: Rephrase Triage help text for "Should be improved" and "Unsalvageable " I, for ...
durron597's user avatar
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Add Flowchart in Triage Review

So I saw this question earlier today: As you can see, it was a well recieved question asking for the Triage categories to be reworded. My proposal, however, involves the flowchart that was in the ...
logic's user avatar
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-13 votes
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How is "Unclear what you're asking" a valid close reason for the Triage queue?

When you mark a question as unsalvageable in Triage you are presented with all the close reasons, including "Unclear what you're asking." But how could that be a valid close reason in Triage if the ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
49 votes
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Request for additional confirmation if reviewer picks Requires Editing at question with many votes down and close

Suggest to perform a-b-testing of a feature such that when Triage reviewer picks Requires Editing on a question with multiple votes down and close (say 3-4) system would show them additional popup ...
gnat's user avatar
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84 votes
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Rephrase Triage help text for "Should be improved" and "Unsalvageable "

This specific proposal has been declined. There is a related (but separate) request The current help text for the "Should be improved" help text in triage suggests using this option for ...
ryanyuyu's user avatar
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