Linked Questions

1219 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
947 votes
24 answers

Can we please have the "Lacks Minimal Understanding" close reason back?

That close reason Yes, I believe it was condescending and somewhat rude. However there is a mass of questions that fall under a crystal clear criteria: They're poorly written. They have formatting ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
559 votes
14 answers

Should we add a "Do my work for me" close reason?

This question was prompted by this SO question It's a classic example of a "paste in requirements and ask for working code to solve it" (typically such questions are homework, but not always). ...
Bohemian's user avatar
  • 419k
471 votes
11 answers

Let's burn down the close queue!

Stage 2 completed: The initial phase of the burndown was completed on 2014-03-03 10:48:49; the second phase completed on 2014-03-08 at 19:41. Detailed statistics on how these played out can be found ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
430 votes
2 answers

When did I get close-vote superpowers?

I just marked this question as a duplicate all by myself. I am not a moderator and I don't think this should be possible. Did I miss something?
John Conde's user avatar
  • 218k
332 votes
25 answers

Help us test question triage!

tl;dr: there's a new review queue. It'll be getting somewhere around 1-2 questions per minute. The only thing they have in common is that the system is unsure of what to do with them. Some are great, ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
240 votes
4 answers

Do we need a close reason for zero-effort questions?

This has been discussed, although I am not sure there is a consensus. But since the introduction of the new close reason, it seems like the closing system is a bit unbalanced, because a generic reason ...
Lev Levitsky's user avatar
  • 64.8k
188 votes
9 answers

Declaring a Review strike until efficiency improvements are implemented

Reviewing (together with interlinking existing content) is one of the key tasks for the SO community now that the site is past its initial growth stage. And the infamous overload of review queues and ...
ivan_pozdeev's user avatar
146 votes
1 answer

Should one advise on off-topic questions?

This may be one of the most common quandaries I have when looking through Stack Overflow questions, when the author has written an obviously off-topic but genuine question such as Windows Forms ...
Stacker-flow's user avatar
  • 1,281
138 votes
3 answers

Reduce the number of votes required to close a question to 4 [duplicate]

Related (from 2009): Now that there is a League of Super Heroes should the number of votes required to close/move be reduced? Also very related (but not identical): Why are 5 close votes required? ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
132 votes
6 answers

How to decide which questions I should not answer?

My question ties into the whole SNR (signal to noise ratio as used in discussions like More effective closing / downvoting of junk questions to help with the signal-noise ratio? and Why the backlash ...
DeVadder's user avatar
  • 1,404
118 votes
15 answers

What should the system be deleting automatically that it already isn't?

So this question got me thinking... We have several automatic processes in place for cleaning up cruft, deleting questions that are very unlikely to help anyone else. They're fairly conservative ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k
94 votes
8 answers

Why are there so many bad questions?

I mostly lurk here and have been browsing some of my favorite tags. What I notice is the vast majority of questions are awful. It's becoming a chore to wade through all of them because most of them ...
user5680735's user avatar
92 votes
1 answer

How many Stack Overflow accounts are banned from asking questions?

I am just curious as to how many accounts (in number or in percentage) are banned from asking questions on Stack Overflow.
displayName's user avatar
  • 14.1k
77 votes
3 answers

How has the scope of Stack Overflow changed?

We have some locked posts on the site. The reason why these posts are locked is that they "are no longer on-topic but have historical significance". I guess "no longer on-topic" implies that they were ...
Sweeper's user avatar
  • 238k
52 votes
3 answers

Why was the closing of this question so unusual?

I recently came across this question (web archive for <10k users) in a different meta post. The post is now deleted, but before that, it was closed as a duplicate back in 2009 (I believe it was ...
psubsee2003's user avatar
  • 8,641
38 votes
1 answer

Which edits push closed questions to the reopen review queue?

So far I was working under the assumption that any edit will push a closed question to the review queue. After all, we advise question-banned users to improve their old questions, and that would not ...
HugoRune's user avatar
  • 13.4k
37 votes
1 answer

Can a question with an accepted answer be closed as unanswerable

Some of the close reasons essentially assert that providing an answer for a question, within the format of SO, is impossible. Those are the close reasons of unclear what you are asking, lacks ...
Raedwald's user avatar
  • 47.8k
37 votes
5 answers

Are "what's this problem called?" questions off-topic?

Every now and then I see questions that describe a programming problem, and the asker wants to know what the name of it is, kind of like using SO as a reverse Google. For example, what they are ...
samgak's user avatar
  • 24.2k
25 votes
1 answer

A brief history of the review queue indicator and the efficacy of recent changes

Lately, we've been making adjustments to how the review queue indicator works. Sometimes when we work on some esoteric feature for a long time, we start to lose track of the ultimate goal. In this ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.2k
16 votes
3 answers

Should we add an off-topic close reason to specifically address legal requests?

Thanks to our benevolent SE overlords, 10k+ users now have access to a new question close statistics tool! Among other features, it provides a list of all the custom close reasons used to close ...
Alexis King's user avatar
  • 43.6k
15 votes
1 answer

Why should I bother searching for duplicates?

I'm active in javascript and associated "web development" tags. I've noticed a surge in the number of simple, oft-asked questions getting answers from relatively high-rep users (generally over the "...
Heretic Monkey's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Should we do something about users answering closed questions in the comments?

I often see questions like this one where, despite being closed for being off topic, it gets answers in the comments section. It's almost always a recommendation question. Should I be flagging ...
BSMP's user avatar
  • 4,707
5 votes
1 answer

How can I improve my self-answered question about a task involving the use of regex?

(I'm asking specifically for advice on the linked question, so this isn't a duplicate of Can a question with an accepted answer be closed as unanswerable because that answers the question more ...
Ian Goldby's user avatar
  • 5,877
-7 votes
2 answers

What to do with on-hold questions which gave the asker not even the slightest hint about what was wrong with their question?

When a custom close reason is used to put a question on-hold, a very undescriptive, unhelpful close reason is put in the yellow box under the question: put on hold as off-topic by [list of closers] ...
nhgrif's user avatar
  • 61.7k
-10 votes
4 answers

Should SO change the way of providing feedback when closing questions?

I'm reading this particular post and I realize that, besides the obvious conclusion, which we all agree upon (i.e. it's a huge no-no to bother people outside of SO), there might be something more that ...
Konrad Viltersten's user avatar
-21 votes
2 answers

A LIKE button - collecting useful feedback even from users not having account/reputation

I find a lot of answers really useful and I do use them a lot. However I don't have enough reputation (or I may not be logged in). I suspect that there must be many like me. If so, having a "Like" ...
zrini's user avatar
  • 15
-25 votes
5 answers

Closing questions just makes people feel really bad - can we make it harder in general?

Just trying to start a conversation about this blog post .. which really resonated for me. I'm not heavily involved with Stack Overflow but I use it ...
utunga's user avatar
  • 478
-27 votes
1 answer

Reply to downvoter(s) [duplicate]

There is an interesting discussion about the effects of close votes - though it will be interesting to have non-closed votes I don't think is possible. But at least I would like to have an option to ...
npocmaka's user avatar
  • 56.3k
-34 votes
1 answer

Reevaluating Software Recommendation Questions [duplicate]

The Software Recommendations Stack Exchange site is now up for a while and proves that questions for which software will fit which purpose questions can be great content. I think we should take that ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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