Linked Questions

28 votes
3 answers

Deep learning questions almost never have minimal reproducible examples

I've noticed a recurring issue that I believe we can improve upon. Admittedly, I'm not entirely sure what the solutions should be, but I think that these problems should be outlined. Within SO's ML ...
Brock Brown's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Should I review questions with images of code as "looks ok" or "requires editing"? [duplicate]

Sometimes I run across questions with screenshots of a code segment instead of the actual code in a code block. Other than that, it's a good question. Pictures of code are not as helpful as code ...
Picachieu's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Why can't I upload an image anymore?

I'm working on a post, but when I try to add a screenshot, I get following error message: Failed to upload image; an error occurred on the server In case you say: "Can't you show the actual ...
Dominique's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

Add "Contains image of code" feedback in First Questions Queue

A common mistake by new users is to include links to images of code or error messages, and I often see other comments with the canonical link "Please do not upload images of code/data/errors when ...
Michael M.'s user avatar
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20 votes
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When editing a question to cleanup grammar and formatting issues, should links to images of text be left as links?

Note: The following does not in any way suggest that anyone should attempt to transcribe code from an image into text. I routinely clean up questions by fixing titles, tags, question grammar, and ...
HangarRash's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Streamlining the MRE page

I rarely link to the MRE page to an experienced programmer (even if that happens from time to time), so I think it's important that the page is as concise and simple as possible. Shortening it will ...
Ted Klein Bergman's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

Should "Why not upload images of code on SO when asking a question?" be a FAQ?

It seems like Why not upload images of code on SO when asking a question? is now the de facto standard reference post on the topic. This hasn't actually been proposed as a FAQ, but can it be promoted ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Should the Help Centre link to specific Meta questions that provide additional context and clarity on the rules?

I got to reading the Help Centre today, in particular this page, and was once again horrified by how little information users are given there in order to ask good questions. In particular, while the &...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

Are edits from Python 2's print to Python 3's print acceptable?

While reviewing this suggested edit, I was unsure on whether to accept or reject. The original answer's code works for Python 2, however the edit changes the print call to work for Python 3. The ...
Michael M.'s user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Are questions about non-important errors considered off-topic?

Yesterday I asked this (JavaFX applications throw NullPointerExceptions but run anyway) question about an error I was encountering which didn't affect my code. The error was caught and handled outside ...
Lord Farquaad's user avatar
15 votes
2 answers

Is it OK for users to edit the accepted answer into their question?

Sometimes I find it helpful when a user applies a solution then informs the rest by editing the question to include the answer. As SO is primarily a means of matching up questions with answers, should ...
coderatchet's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Should FAQ questions use consistent terminology & formatting for canonical link/quick link?

I noticed that five of the pages in FAQ Index for Stack Overflow have an inline code block link to itself at the bottom of the question: Why not upload images of code/errors when asking a question? ...
M. Justin's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How should I flag an image-only question? [duplicate]

While reviewing my triage queue I'm getting lots of questions where code is posted as an image and not as text. My question is: how do I flag those questions? To me the most appropriate way is ...
Lorelorelore's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Where do we tell users not to use Pastebin?

I assume that people asking questions should not be using Pastebin, because: Its license doesn't match SO Questions should be self contained. I just asked a user not to use Pastebin (they had put 50 ...
tgdavies's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

How often should I include screenshots of command outputs?

I recently created an answer to explain how to solve a problem with Python's http.server. The answer required basic knowledge of commands like ps, grep, kill & killall. Since I wasn't sure how ...
Malekai's user avatar
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