Linked Questions

-10 votes
1 answer

Encourage people to post an image as an image rather than [enter image descriptions here] [closed]

Does SO really encourage people to post an image as an image rather than [enter image description here][1]? Since, I have stated answering questions on Stack Overflow, I think I have edited most of ...
imxitiz's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Does images of code denote a low quality question? [duplicate]

I’m confused, I flagged this question as Low Quality but my flag has been declined by a moderator? The first image link is to a large block of code which in my opinion is no use to anyone. If this ...
user692942's user avatar
  • 16.6k
-28 votes
3 answers

How can we prevent or discourage people from closing questions about which they know little or nothing? [duplicate]

There is not a week that goes by that I do not see a question that was closed for "This question needs details or clarity" and yet the question is perfectly clear to me. My hypothesis is ...
Daniel Goldfarb's user avatar
69 votes
6 answers

If images are blocked for me, should I Skip or Delete image-only answers?

In China, there is a national blockage of Imgur-hosted images. So when an answer is "image-only", it may be an interesting answer for many viewers, but it's completely blank for me and ...
Cœur's user avatar
  • 38.4k
6 votes
1 answer

How to retrieve a question in which I only know an image posted in the question

I am trying to retrieve a specific question probably posted on Mathematics, Stack Overflow, or Cross Validated. I don't know the title, nor the content of the question. I only know the name of the ...
JJacquelin's user avatar
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-8 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to use colours in a code block? [duplicate]

In this question, I mention something which does not work in a code block. For readability reasons, I'd like to put this in red colour (either the font of the background). I don't mean the entire code ...
Dominique's user avatar
  • 17.3k
18 votes
1 answer

Should the Help Centre link to specific Meta questions that provide additional context and clarity on the rules?

I got to reading the Help Centre today, in particular this page, and was once again horrified by how little information users are given there in order to ask good questions. In particular, while the &...
Ian Kemp's user avatar
  • 29.7k
94 votes
1 answer

What should a 'minimal, reproducible example' include for problems with automating web browsers using Selenium?

I've been cruising the C# selenium questions for quite some time now. I frequently find myself down-voting these questions and voting to close them as needing details or clarity, or needing debugging ...
Greg Burghardt's user avatar
56 votes
5 answers

A way to reduce the number of questions with only images?

The problem: This is something that I particularly see a lot in the pandas tag. People will ask questions that look something like the following: I have the following dataframe <link to imgur ...
noah's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Should FAQ questions use consistent terminology & formatting for canonical link/quick link?

I noticed that five of the pages in FAQ Index for Stack Overflow have an inline code block link to itself at the bottom of the question: Why not upload images of code/errors when asking a question? ...
M. Justin's user avatar
  • 19.4k
38 votes
4 answers

Should we disapprove of uploading images of tables when asking a question?

Since the introduction of the table markdown should people still be using images of tables instead of the markdown? Or should we be enforcing the use of the new markdown? If we find a question that ...
The Grand J's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Edit to replace images with Markdown tables was rejected [duplicate]

My suggested edit to an answer, replacing an image of table containing code with a Markdown table representation of the same content was rejected. Why?
bzr's user avatar
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-12 votes
1 answer

Do answers that post only, but obvious, code screenshots deserve to be deleted?

I recently stumbled upon this answer: The (self) answer makes it pretty clear what the problem was. I'd even argue that the actual source code is not ...
Cristik's user avatar
  • 32.7k
30 votes
3 answers

Can we please have a shortcut for "Do not post code or errors as images"?

I find myself typing this phrase multiple times a day. A shortcut that led directly to the FAQ explanation would be really helpful.
Jason's user avatar
  • 88.7k
34 votes
1 answer

Feature request: images / links to images of code warning for new / low rep users

Pretty simple request... Right now we have a warning that pops up if you link to JSFiddle (or similar) without any actual code. Could we pretty please have something similar for new / low rep users ...
Phil's user avatar
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