Linked Questions

35 votes
3 answers

Should an old question be edited to use a newer programming language (Objective-C replaced by Swift)?

The Swift programming language was introduced by Apple on the occasion of the WWDC in June 2014. Since then, the swift tag has become quite active (> 24.000 questions as of now). Out of curiosity, I ...
10 votes
2 answers

Answer for a different version of language than the version used by the OP

I saw this question today. This asks a question about javascript prototypes. then there is this answer. The answer is really good, just that it targets ecma-script-6 standard which is not yet released,...
32 votes
7 answers

Answers that use a different technology than what is asked

On occasion on SO, I've noticed that certain users like to post answers that may solve the problem, but intentionally do it with a methodology that's different from the one specified in the OP and/or ...

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