Linked Questions

-9 votes
2 answers

May I ask for tips? [duplicate]

I have a piece of JavaScript code I want to ask advice on. I want to know if I may post a question on the main site, asking for tips on a piece of code I have written. I don't want the answer, just ...
horcrux88's user avatar
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175 votes
9 answers

Mentorship Research Project - Results + Wrap-Up

Check out SO Podcast 117 to hear Kristina talk about the mentorship experiment. First, if you haven’t read the original announcement post about the Stack Overflow Mentorship Research Project, you ...
kristinalustig's user avatar
  • 343
39 votes
2 answers

We don't offer [customer-support] on this website

There is actually a customer-support tag. It currently has no tag Wiki. As the FAQ states, we're not customer support for (your favorite company). That being said, can we burninate this tag?
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
-36 votes
1 answer

Is it okay for students to ask Stack Overflow to do their homework? [duplicate]

I think it is good learning for them. But what do you think?
GeneCode's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Should "Why not upload images of code on SO when asking a question?" be a FAQ?

It seems like Why not upload images of code on SO when asking a question? is now the de facto standard reference post on the topic. This hasn't actually been proposed as a FAQ, but can it be promoted ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
-8 votes
2 answers

Why was this spam flag disputed?

I flagged this post as spam and the flag was disputed. I then tried a custom moderator flag and that was (almost immediately?) disputed as well. Does this question not count as spam? It's a link to a ...
Daniel Bickler's user avatar
50 votes
4 answers

How should I reply to a comment asking me to write code?

I've been answering a few questions on Stack Overflow, and I've also been replying to questions in comments—usually, when I do the latter, I am suggesting a code optimisation or a solution that ...
Ally's user avatar
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28 votes
2 answers

Does the 1 question 6 months after last question for question ban recur?

I am question banned. I have been trying to straighten my account but too many questions are outdated as well as deleted and fixable. Reference: Attempt to understand ban I am not sure how deep in I ...
JukEboX's user avatar
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-21 votes
2 answers

Someone stole my edit, should anything be done about it?

The other day one of my edits was rejected: [unless you're on a 4k monitor or something, you'll have to enlarge the image] On the left is my rejected failure of an edit, rejected by Community and "...
Matheus Avellar's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Failed review audit due to a possible misunderstanding of what is off-topic [duplicate]

Today I failed the following audit, after marking the question as "Off-topic: no specific problem or error": Please help me understand how the above example does not fit the following definition: ...
Dev-iL's user avatar
  • 24k
6 votes
2 answers

What is the correct close reason for non-questions? [duplicate]

My question is related to this post: Why is “Can someone help me?” not an actual question? If someone posts a "requirements dump" that doesn't contain an actual question at all (or that includes a ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

What should I do with this user's debugging questions? [duplicate]

In the tag I'm active on I've seen an user post 10 questions the last 4 days and 8 of these questions are all the same format "I have this problem, here's my code: *code dump*. Basically using ...
Ted Klein Bergman's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

Why was my suggested edit rejected when I added code posted by the author in comments?

The suggested edit: Link to the question: Read the data from the CSV File and it should automatically generate the EMAIL_ID to the JSP Page ...
rupinderjeet's user avatar
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144 votes
14 answers

The life of answering questions on Stack Overflow

You may have noticed recent discussions regarding how best to improve the signal-to-noise ratio, reducing or suppressing low-quality posts from less-invested persons trying to avoid work, and ...
700 Software's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Should we use “Any kind of help will be appreciable” in a question? [duplicate]

Many people write Any kind of help will be appreciable in their questions. Is this allowable according to Stack Overflow policies and community? Should we remove this phrase from the question?
hasnain_ahmad's user avatar

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