Linked Questions

256 votes
12 answers

What is Stack Overflow’s goal?

After reading Sympathetic up-votes, it reminded me a bit of Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? (I'm in group 4) as well. Reflecting on the second question in the post on sympathetic up-votes ...
teynon's user avatar
  • 8,158
209 votes
20 answers

Is it okay to downvote answers to bad questions?

I'm referring to this answer, (screenshot for <10K) in particular, where the question was clearly not of the best quality, but my answer to it addressed the issues with it. Is it okay to downvote ...
AstroCB's user avatar
  • 12.4k
125 votes
5 answers

Should trivial re-occurring questions really be answered?

This question basically asks for an alternative to concatenating strings directly in a loop. I couldn't find a duplicate quickly, but I'm sure that this is a standard beginner problem having been ...
maaartinus's user avatar
99 votes
18 answers

Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn't have close votes?

After reading "My Love-Hate Relationship with Stack Overflow: Arthur S., Arthur T., and the Soup Nazi" one of our developers wondered what would happen if we didn't have close votes. ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.3k
72 votes
8 answers

Is using Stack Overflow for gimme codez questions encouraged?

There seems to be now be an implicit license for "gimme codez" questions like and associated reputation gains for cheap answers to such questions. Is this ...
msw's user avatar
  • 43.4k
67 votes
2 answers

How can I suggest, promote, or impose my standards for Stack Overflow on the tags I contribute to?

I've been contributing heavily to Stack Overflow for the last 2 to 3 years now, mostly in java and related tags. I've matured through my contributions and experiences. Lately, I've been spending my ...
Sotirios Delimanolis's user avatar
65 votes
4 answers

Off-topic: "My email isn't spam"

I am attempting to clarify the scope of the posting guidelines related to evading spam filters. My interpretation of the site policies is that these questions should be closed as off-topic, and that ...
tripleee's user avatar
  • 187k
64 votes
3 answers

What is the appropriate course of action towards a user that is consistently answering off-topic, low quality, and duplicate questions?

If you browse python, chances are that you've come across a user that answered 1,000 questions in the past month, most of which ended up being closed. Most of these questions are closed within minutes,...
Nicolas Gervais's user avatar
58 votes
8 answers

Is a comment telling someone not to answer constructive?

I've seen many instances where someone comments on an answer that has been given to a question that was off-topic in their opinion, telling the answerer that they should not answer questions like that....
Don't Panic's user avatar
  • 41.6k
56 votes
5 answers

How to deal with a slowly learning user? [duplicate]

So I met a certain user who posted their homework problem on SO. They put some effort into answering their questions IMHO and are slowly getting there. They got here already public class Assg2 { ...
Keale's user avatar
  • 4,004
53 votes
5 answers

SO Rules on exploiting posting answers to closed questions

I was writing an answer to a question today, and by the time I got to the submit button, the question had already been closed. I usually write my answers up outside of the browser editor, so I ...
flakes's user avatar
  • 23.2k
50 votes
4 answers

Users answering bad questions instead of teaching the OP that question is bad

I bumped to this question, where the OP has asked to write a SQL query for his use case. But the OP has not even entered a basic minimal, complete, and verifiable example. It was clearly seen that he ...
Karan Desai's user avatar
  • 3,112
27 votes
4 answers

Answerer is answering debugging questions that lack code. Should I care?

This question is not duplicate! The other question is about questioners. This question is about answerers! What to do about an answerer that answers questions for which the user has not followed the ...
gman's user avatar
  • 106k
24 votes
2 answers

Should zero-effort homework dumps and other off-topic questions be flagged as duplicates?

Strongly related: Should one advise on off-topic questions? Sometimes I'll encounter zero-effort homework dumps (or other off-topic questions) that will be flagged as duplicates of existing questions. ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

Ask a question, get the needed help, insult the helper and delete the question: what to do?

Am gonna share a situation I recently faced (that I also faced a lot of time before). It's about this question (deleted now). Here is what happened: This user asked a question about CSS and ...
Temani Afif's user avatar

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