Linked Questions

19 votes
3 answers

Giving search help on homework questions

I came across this homework question earlier. The asker asked a specific question, so I helped lead them in the right direction, but they also stated they wanted more info about what they were working ...
James Westman's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Should we do something about users answering closed questions in the comments?

I often see questions like this one where, despite being closed for being off topic, it gets answers in the comments section. It's almost always a recommendation question. Should I be flagging ...
BSMP's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Cross your fingers and VoteToClose, or let loose the Roomba?

In the past I've answered questions that should have been (or were later) closed as "Too Broad", "Opinion-based", "Unclear", 0-Effort, or "Off-Topic for Debugging"(*). To compensate, I feel like I ...
OhBeWise's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Should I answer questions that include images of code (or violate other guidelines)?

I came across this C question which had code as pictures, instead of text. I answered the question and got 2 downvotes. Am I doing something wrong? To be clear, I'm not asking about why I shouldn't ...
justANewb stands with Ukraine's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Are book recommendations low quality answers?

Today I flagged this answer as very low quality, since it's nothing more than a recommendation of a couple of books. Apart from the recommendation, the answer doesn't provide any information. However,...
resueman's user avatar
  • 10.6k
-5 votes
3 answers

Rude flags declined, although all flagged posts were deleted

I recently got two sets of three flagged (by me) comments declined. The comments were clearly insulting. The first three were to this question where I initially pointed the asker to site-rules and ...
too honest for this site's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

Answerer is answering debugging questions that lack code. Should I care?

This question is not duplicate! The other question is about questioners. This question is about answerers! What to do about an answerer that answers questions for which the user has not followed the ...
gman's user avatar
  • 106k
6 votes
2 answers

Should I downvote/flag an answer to an unreproducible question?

This question was asked. Now, this question is not reproducible. When I paste the code in the playground, it works perfectly fine (the compiler can infer the type). Of course, I need to flag the ...
Chayim Friedman's user avatar
-36 votes
3 answers

How do I get guidance that I explicitly asked for in my question when that request gets edited out by someone else?

In the original version of my question, I specifically asked In the early days of StackOverflow, all sorts of programming and computer questions were all lumped together in one subsite. As things ...
FKEinternet's user avatar
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-31 votes
2 answers

Serial rejection of my suggested edits

I'm no longer able to suggest edits. I'm getting the following error: Too many of your edits were rejected. I read the reasons and I'll take them under consideration next time I write a wiki ...
Ori Marko's user avatar
  • 58.4k
-12 votes
3 answers

Targeted closing of questions that I answered [closed]

Following a disagreement in a chatroom, a user took it upon themselves to go through my answer history and close questions where possible. It seems they might be trying to delete the questions as well ...
user4020527's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Was it necessary to delete this (rightly) closed question so quickly?

Earlier today I came across this question (10k only). Around an hour after being posted, it was rightly closed for being opinion-based and objectively unanswerable, as the issue boils down to ...
duplode's user avatar
  • 34.2k
11 votes
2 answers

Why are questions with silly errors well answered? [duplicate]

Stack Overflow is always known for quality questions. But you see there are many questions where there is a minor mistake or typo. Take an example of this, *
Hemant's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Ask a question, get the needed help, insult the helper and delete the question: what to do?

Am gonna share a situation I recently faced (that I also faced a lot of time before). It's about this question (deleted now). Here is what happened: This user asked a question about CSS and ...
Temani Afif's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How should I handle comments posted as answers to off-topic questions?

Numerous times I've run across an off-topic question that someone has posted comments on that attempt to answer the question. I understand the desire to help people but such comments should not be ...
HangarRash's user avatar
  • 14.4k

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