Linked Questions

6 votes
1 answer

Will tag-tips be used in the next Ask Question page?

Will tag-tips or tag-warnings be available in the next iteration of the Ask Question page? They aren't mentioned in staging-ground questions. For people who are unfamiliar with tag-tips or tag-...
Wicket's user avatar
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-33 votes
1 answer

Does forgetting a DBMS deserve a downvote? [duplicate]

I left an answer on a question that was not asked in very clear way. The user did not specify the DBMS and I gave an answer that was correct for T-SQL. I forgot to add this in the first draft; I then ...
MintBerryCRUNCH's user avatar
94 votes
3 answers

Should we pipe [MangoDB] to /dev/null?

I propose we burninate the mangodb tag. Users have been confusing it for the mongodb tag, as it's only one letter different. There are now 33 questions remaining on the tag after I went through and re-...
Joundill's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Confusion between [appscript] and [google-apps-script]

Issue: The appscript tag is meant to be used for Apple Scripts, but due to confustion on the part of users, most questions under this tag are in fact Google Apps Script questions. More Information: As ...
Rafa Guillermo's user avatar
46 votes
1 answer

Why should I "tag my RDBMS"?

I have a question about a SQL query, so I put a sql tag on it. In the comments, people are telling me to "tag my RDBMS". Why should I do that since I already tagged the programming language? (...
Eric Brandt's user avatar
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1 vote
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Finding Environment- (tag-) specific help - Menu Proposal

The R community has an excellent instructional thread at How to make a great R reproducible example. I can't replicate search terms that will find this thread, nor is it linked from the Help section ...
DanM's user avatar
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24 votes
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When a user is asking a question with a certain tag, add the ability to prompt them with guidance

This request stems from my observations of questions submitted with the selenium tag. One of the most common type of question is "how do I locate the following element". In order to help answer this ...
C. Peck's user avatar
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427 votes
38 answers

The Ask Question Wizard Is Now In Testing!

A long overdue update to our last prototype announcement, our developers are pleased to announce that they've finished the review process and responsive design updates to the Wizard and it is now in ...
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23 votes
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Is there a way to clarify a commonly misused tag?

I'm around the visual-studio tag a lot and I feel that around half the questions tagged with it are done wrongly so. Common cases: Used because the code is written in visual-studio (The tag excerpt ...
Lennart's user avatar
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2 votes
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Tags that generally need specific implementations

I've seen a continuing issue where new users come and ask SQL questions tagged with only the [sql] tag. The issue is that almost every single time they are implementing product specific code or at ...
UnhandledExcepSean's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to force users to choose their Bootstrap version for a question?

Here's the problem: There are two Bootstrap versions: Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. They are fundamentally different and NOT compatible with each other. So, it's absolutely essential for answering a ...
user avatar
64 votes
2 answers

Visual distinction of deprecated/discouraged tags?

Can we make do-not-use tags visually distinct in some way? I almost used one just now, because I typed in the tags quickly, so I started typing the next tag before the autocomplete had showed up for ...
Drathier's user avatar
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1 vote
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Is there a good way to handle common tagging errors?

There many cases where the wrong tag is used: For example, the 12factor tag is very common in questions about two-factor authentication (which isn't related). Is there a simple way to avoid it?
Ophir Yoktan's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Should the [radius] tag be redefined, removed or renamed?

The radius tag refers to two different things: RADIUS is Remote Authentication Dial In User Service, a protocol that allows for different management types. It is also a line segment from the center ...
Jonathan's user avatar
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The [angularjs] and [angular] tags are constantly misused. How can it be improved? [duplicate]

AngularJS and Angular are two completely different JavaScript frameworks. Their names are similar enough that they are constantly being misused. The tag descriptions already encourage proper use, but ...
JC Ford's user avatar
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