Linked Questions

-12 votes
1 answer

Why was this question put on hold, and how would I disagree? [duplicate]

This question may not be for everyone, but it received two answers which should have helped the OP. But then, six hours later, it was put on hold. I just don't see what this accomplishes -- it seems ...
Steve Summit's user avatar
  • 46.6k
-19 votes
2 answers

How can I know who has upvoted and who downvoted?

A few days back I asked one question. A few users upvoted it and few downvoted it. But I have no clue who has voted in my question. Is there a way to know that who has upvoted or who has downvoted my ...
Rahul's user avatar
  • 97
-43 votes
3 answers

Making downvotes more useful

Some problems: Large numbers of downvotes scare people away This contributes to Stack Overflow’s reputation of being an unfriendly place Upvotes are made to “counterbalance” downvotes (this happens ...
Ry-'s user avatar
  • 221k
-195 votes
11 answers

Is downvoting harmful and should it be removed completely?

We're all familiar with the numerous complaints, from both new and longtime members of the Stack Overflow community, describing this place as unfriendly, even hostile. It's a serious enough problem ...
ATL_DEV's user avatar
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