Linked Questions

-12 votes
2 answers

Are curious web programming questions allowed on Stack Overflow (even though it has no practical applications)?

I had a theory concerning the promise returned by fetch, and I wanted to verify if I am correct on the matter or not, since there aren't many good web resources on the topic. However, the response I ...
Napoleon Bonaparte's user avatar
99 votes
8 answers

Why should I help close "bad" questions that I think are valid, instead of helping the OP with an answer?

There seems to be a very high bar for contributing to Stack Overflow, especially when it comes to asking questions. These standards can result in serious self-doubt, and seem to be the driving force ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-37 votes
1 answer

Protection of new users from aggression [closed]

I have been on this site for a couple of days and brought with me a personal puzzle problem. I had people who totally understood this question and provided some answers. On the other hand, specific ...
user23463397's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Useful bountied answer removed

I awarded a bounty on an answer to this question seleniumbase (undetected Chrome driver): how to set request header? but the relevant answer has disappeared, presumably deleted for some unknown reason....
MandyShaw's user avatar
  • 1,186
-26 votes
1 answer

Abnormal activity on one of my questions

I want to report a past abnormal activity. In this question: Why does subclassing in Python slow things down so much? with also many downvotes (4). I say "abnormal activity", but I think the ...
Marco Sulla's user avatar
  • 15.8k
-18 votes
1 answer

Why could this question have been downvoted? [closed]

Composer called via doApplication mingles stdout and stderr Why could this question be downvoted? Is it badly put? Could it be improved? If not, could the downvotes be cancelled? I usually just delete ...
chx's user avatar
  • 11.6k
-36 votes
7 answers

An instance of moderators not honoring their own advice with respect to meta commentary

tl;dr Specific advice was given by the moderator team (as a whole, anonymously). When that advice was subsequently followed, a specific moderator's action explicitly undid it on a specific post, and ...
mklement0's user avatar
  • 426k
-17 votes
1 answer

Why is my question downvoted?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: LLVM IR segfaults My post keeps getting downvoted (other ones to). I would like to know what I am doing wrong and how to improve.
Kellan_B's user avatar
39 votes
1 answer

Why are questions on Meta about improving questions on the main site, themselves usually poorly received?

I have noticed a common pattern: Someone's question(s) on the main site is/are not well received That person comes to Meta to ask about how to improve the question(s), perhaps due to seeing a ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
-17 votes
2 answers

What is wrong with this question about PowerShell and user impersonation?

How to Register-PSRepository for another user? This question is four (4) days old with no responses of any kind. Questions in this area are usually responded to quickly, within one (1) day. Is this a ...
lit's user avatar
  • 15.9k
-23 votes
1 answer

Why is posting on meta a disaster? [duplicate]

Look below is a screenshot of how I am losing points every day. All I can say is you may say posting here does not reduce the points. But here is proof that you guys don't take kindly to suggestions/...
Raster R's user avatar
-5 votes
4 answers

Downvotes and false accusations of using ChatGPT: how do I handle it?

I am a new contributor who joined yesterday. I have answered some questions, but some people accused me of using ChatGPT when answering questions. I take the time to read the documentation and I give ...
Chafik Kerboute's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Question was closed even after editing and resolving all issues

Two days ago I asked a question on Stack Overflow, which, admittedly, was lacking in clarity and details, and the code example I included wasn't functional, so it was downvoted and voted to be closed. ...
kasra's user avatar
  • 352
-48 votes
2 answers

Any way to fight downvotes spam? [closed]

Just noticed that someone downvoted a question and all 5 answers which all are basically correct: Is there any ...
Alexander Nenashev's user avatar
-48 votes
2 answers

I want to remove "only can send one post on half past a hour" limit

I want to remove "only can send one post on half past a hour" limit. Because I want to answer a lot of questions, this restriction has seriously limited the opportunity to help others solve ...
SNQUphp's user avatar
  • 16

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