Linked Questions

-18 votes
2 answers

Why was my question deleted after posting the following META question 10 minutes ago? [duplicate]

So I posted a question in May 14th (over 3 months ago), which, as of literally 8 minutes ago, had received 3 downvotes. Most of these downvotes were from May. Here used to be the question: https://...
Joe_Hendricks's user avatar
-23 votes
1 answer

Why is posting on meta a disaster? [duplicate]

Look below is a screenshot of how I am losing points every day. All I can say is you may say posting here does not reduce the points. But here is proof that you guys don't take kindly to suggestions/...
Raster R's user avatar
-21 votes
1 answer

My question has been deleted. It was new and unresolved. Why? [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Are complex javascript URLs not supported when following links? I posted a question here on meta asking why my question had been closed. That meta ...
user avatar
330 votes
237 answers

10 Million Questions - Let's Share Some Stories That the Number Doesn't Convey [closed]

Have a look at this Meta post for the current status of your swag! It's easy to look at numbers; numbers tell us that many developers have been helped by what we built. That alone is very warming and ...
user avatar
168 votes
15 answers

Impose a 24 hour voting freeze on questions being discussed on Meta

The "Meta Effect" is well known. Not a week goes by where a valid question is asked on Meta, and Meta users flock to Stack Overflow to upvote or downvote that question. It's even getting to the point ...
George Stocker's user avatar
99 votes
8 answers

Why should I help close "bad" questions that I think are valid, instead of helping the OP with an answer?

There seems to be a very high bar for contributing to Stack Overflow, especially when it comes to asking questions. These standards can result in serious self-doubt, and seem to be the driving force ...
Karl Knechtel's user avatar
49 votes
5 answers

What should I do if my question has been completely ignored?

My question has been completely ignored. It has <20 views after 2 weeks, no downvotes, upvotes, comments, interactions whatsoever. I know I could just set up a bounty, but I was wondering why ...
Maritn Ge's user avatar
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48 votes
7 answers

Should we stop making martyrs of highly controversial opinionated posts?

I am referring to the recent hot topic in particular: Is downvoting harmful and should it be removed completely? (Screenshot of the latest revision for <10k users, in case the question is deleted). ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 72.4k
105 votes
4 answers

I answered a question, he accepted it, and then he deleted the question!

I spent a lot of time on this question: Open links in new tabs - greasemonkey script He was happy, he thanked me, wished me happy new year, and gave me the answer, and I earned 15 points. One minute ...
mwarren's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

How does one distinguish typos from coding errors in questions?

(Latest update: Well, folks, this already becomes a holy war. I like the answer given by Ryan M below together with my response to him in the comments. At least, it works for me. So I suggest ...
Damir Tenishev's user avatar
50 votes
5 answers

Why are proposed changes to voting, which limit or remove the use of downvotes, met with strong disagreement?

The comments and answers on many proposals to change the way voting works on Stack Overflow indicate there are strong opinions against many of these changes, mainly because such proposals alter the ...
Braiam's user avatar
  • 4,489
85 votes
3 answers

Should I be worried if I most of my questions stay at 0 votes?

Most of my questions stay at 0 upvotes. I'm fine with that, but I'm worried that I'm doing something wrong. I try to make sure that all of my questions are: Given descriptive titles Well Written ...
BonsaiOak's user avatar
  • 28.7k
29 votes
4 answers

Is there some kind of special scrutiny near 20k?

I started a few weeks ago to have my questions systematically downvoted (last one was a moment ago). It is quite weird because their quality was maybe never stellar (though I always make efforts to ...
WoJ's user avatar
  • 29.3k
81 votes
1 answer

Getting to Know Stack Overflow's Voting Culture

There are few topics more controversial than voting, either on the Main site or here on Meta. Whether expressed in rants on Meta or rants in comments, users frequently get angry, confused and ...
39 votes
5 answers

Why did my question get closed? I believe it's high-quality but it was closed/downvoted very quickly

I asked a question I thought was very good quality, and it received two downvotes and two close votes without any explanation. I have answered/asked/voted a lot, and this recent interaction was ...
davidsbro's user avatar
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