Linked Questions

2 votes
0 answers

NAA Flag declined for code of a question [duplicate]

The author of this question put their code as an answer. I flagged as NAA but it was declined with this reason: declined - flags should not be used to indicate technical inaccuracies, or an ...
17 votes
2 answers

My flags keep getting declined

Actually this time I do not have a question. Instead, I would like to discuss why I do not agree with the persons who declined my flags. I have flagged this and this post as NAA. Both flags have been ...
12 votes
1 answer

Why was my NAA-flag declined? What should I do with "answers" that does not even touch on the question? [duplicate]

I know that Any post that attempts to answer the question—however badly—is still an answer! but what about posts that clearly does not attempt to answer the actual question and instead seem to answer ...
1 vote
0 answers

Declined flags: What am I not understanding about how the site should work? [duplicate]

Recently, a couple of my flags on answers have been declined. The first time I figured, "OK, let it go. Mods make mistakes, too." The second time in such a short interval, I have to wonder if I've ...
17 votes
2 answers

Can the text in the mod's canned response for declined NAA flags be changed?

Heavily inspired by this question, suggesting a change to the text of the NAA flag to include the typical canned response for mis-used NAA flags ("The (NAA|Not an Answer) flag should not be used to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Where did I go wrong with this NAA flag? [duplicate]

I'm curious behind the reason of the declination of my flag, I flagged this answer as 'not an answer' as it isn't an answer from what I could tell based on the flag description: This was posted as ...
3 votes
2 answers

Declined flags on removed old VLQ answers [duplicate]

I've raised a few custom flags on link only answers from Customizing the TreeView to allow multi select. One of them was on the highly upvoted answer. The post was edited by Cody Gray and the flag was ...
3 votes
0 answers

NAA flag declined for completely unrelated answer [duplicate]

I flagged this answer since it doesn't even reflect anything OP was asking in his question. The question was, in short, about running a batch file silently on Windows startup. One of the answers ...
146 votes
7 answers

A minor change to the description of the "not an answer" flag: "the question" → "a question"

Every once in a while, which some regularity, somebody on SO completely misreads a question (or is just generally confused or insane or on drugs, or whatever) and posts an answer that has absolutely ...
5 votes
1 answer

Why were my flags declined?

Recently 5 of my flags were declined. The answers I flagged are these: The reason for flagging this answer was: This is not an answer. Not a single line ...
15 votes
2 answers

I flagged an answer as "not an answer", but it was declined. Why is this considered an answer?

I flagged this answer as "not an answer"; as I think it is much more of an comment than an answer. Got back "declined - a moderator reviewed your flag, but found no evidence to support it" Can ...
6 votes
1 answer

Flagging a code style suggestion as "Not an answer" wrongfully declined? [duplicate]

I've recently flagged this answer (10k only link) with the "not an answer" flag. Adding the answer here, since it was deleted by the owner: Only a short notice: change Players(int value3) { ...
7 votes
1 answer

Why were these NAA flags declined for content-less link-only answers?

I recently flagged several link-only answers here, here, and here. Current SE guidance states that "Your answer is over here" or "Take this tutorial (link)" answers are not answers. All three of my ...
8 votes
1 answer

Bring some consistency to the flagging and deletion of link-only answers

When doing our daily reviews, under "Low Quality Posts", we are asked to judge the quality of answers. If we think it should be deleted we get the following option among others: Should be deleted ...
-10 votes
5 answers

It's time to quietly retire the "Not an Answer" flag

The descriptive text for the "Not an Answer" flag contains the text: This was posted as an answer, but it does not attempt to answer the question. It should possibly be an edit, a comment, ...

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