Linked Questions

-5 votes
1 answer

What can I do if a user edits my post and I don't agree with the edit? [duplicate]

I recently asked a question in Stack Overflow Meta, and in it I said - I did Google it, and I found this post. Somebody with a high reputation edited it, and the user changed that line to I did Google ...
Safwan Samsudeen's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Flag Edit to be rolled back [duplicate]

In this Question, a user decided to edit the question's code to provide a solution to the problem. I feel like this is pretty clearly the wrong way to answer a question, so I posted a comment ...
RGA's user avatar
  • 2,577
4 votes
0 answers

Question's author changes tags to irrelevant after edit [duplicate]

I recently stumbled upon this question: B+ Tree order of 1 & 2 and removed all the tags regarding programming languages since it is general algorithmic question. But the author added more ...
bartop's user avatar
  • 10.2k
1 vote
0 answers

How I undo someone else approved edit? [duplicate]

I had a question with an edit suggestion added by an user with lots of rejected edits (much more than his approved edits). The suggestion was rejected a couple times by experienced users, but some ...
speeder's user avatar
  • 6,216
111 votes
15 answers

Setting up a FAQ for the C++ tag

I have heard a few highly reputed users expressing sentiments that again and again answering the same newbie questions becomes very tedious. ("What should be the result of i == ++i + i++?" ...
sbi's user avatar
  • 222k
26 votes
2 answers

Is there a way for me to make announcements on Stack Overflow?

I created some videos for PayPal's REST API and a C# Code First ASP.NET MVC 5 demo application, all of them free. The ASP.NET Forums has a place for announcements, and so does LinkedIn. I searched ...
gerryLowry's user avatar
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31 votes
1 answer

How do I earn the "clean up" badge? What is a rollback? [duplicate]

What does the Clean Up/Rollback badge mean? It says I can get it by making my first roll back. What does it mean by first roll back?
tarzanbappa's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Rollback of edit that was approved

Recently, I answered a question that one particular user thinks is terrible and thus my answer is terrible. He argues that the question was bad, so I edited the title to be more clear with what I ...
Frank Bryce's user avatar
  • 8,290
5 votes
1 answer

User edits code in their question to reflect suggestions made in answers [duplicate]

My question is not a duplicate of the possible duplicate, because that question asks: What to do when users try to edit their question to ask another one. I'm asking: what to do when users try to ...
Christian Dean's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Reviewing First Posts - what should I do if post was handled?

While reviewing first posts, I often receive a question like this one, in which I think the question deserves a comment, recommending the user to do this or that. However, sometimes those questions ...
tktk's user avatar
  • 11.6k
-3 votes
1 answer

Allow vote changes on answers when a question is edited by the OP

It seems like we should allow changing on answer votes when a question is edited (at least by the OP), not just when the answer is edited. I recently downvoted an answer in which the answerer hadn't ...
Nicolas Holthaus's user avatar