Linked Questions

6 votes
1 answer

Using the wayback machine against link-rot

A lot of people on SO (including me) are against posting links from not reliable resources without posting the main part, because they will eventually get offline and the question/answer will be ...
Bálint's user avatar
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5 votes
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Unsolicited recommendations for alternate libraries. Not an answer?

I sometimes see comments and answers of the format: Why are you using [that library]? Use [this other library] instead. Obviously, there are times where this is totally appropriate, like: ...
Jeremy Caney's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

What are the possible resolution states for a Not an Answer flag?

I correctly flagged an answer as "not an answer", but when I later checked the status of the flag, I found it was "declined" because the post was edited to be a proper answer ...
1 vote
1 answer

Yet another "Why was my NAA-flag declined?" question

My NAA flag on this answer was declined yesterday. For me it is a link-only answer (it is useless without the link), so I don't understand why it was declined. Was the moderator maybe distracted by ...
Breeze's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why did I fail this VLQ review audit? It's not VLQ, NAA, spam, abusive, a comment, or a thank you [duplicate]

I just failed this review in the VLQ queue and was given a ban for it. I don't understand what is VLQ about the post. Perhaps the post provided a technologically incorrect answer to the OP's question,...
Robert Columbia's user avatar
30 votes
0 answers

Turn the VLQ flag for answers into two new, more intuitive flags to improve flagging experience

TL;DR Remove the VLQ flag and instead add flags for link-only and non-English answers that have the same effect as NAA flags but provide better guidance for flaggers. The Very low-quality flag for ...
Jeanne Dark's user avatar
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-16 votes
1 answer

Is this really considered as an answer?

I find disturbing that this answer to this question (Can Google Chrome open local links?) is the one that received the most upvotes. My first thinking reading this was: this is not an answer and ...
Thomas G's user avatar
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8 votes
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Should I also keep checking for any updates in all the posts that I've flagged?

A few days back I flagged an Answer as NOT AN ANSWER while Reviewing Late Answers, as it seemed to be a non-answer type of post. And I forgot about it. Today, I am seeing that flag in disputed ...
BlackBeard's user avatar
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-2 votes
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Why do we love bad content? [duplicate]

I flagged this answer, which is a code-only answer that isn't in the right language, on a question that is three years old with several other answers. It isn't even in the ballpark of the right ...
ad absurdum's user avatar
  • 20.7k
5 votes
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What should be done with obsolete answers about misprints?

The question was asked. There were some misprints in its code, so that shown code couldn't work at all. Of course it got some answers about misprints. After that a correct answer is posted. Author of ...
Qwertiy's user avatar
  • 20.5k
2 votes
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Why is my NAA flag disputed?

So I got this answer in the Late Answers review queue. To me this looks like a Thanking the posters answer, as described in When to flag an answer as “it is not an answer”? so I flagged it as not an ...
fhdrsdg's user avatar
  • 10.5k
5 votes
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Disputed not an answer flags

I flagged two answers as "not an answer" but they were disputed. I've read this post but they don't fit int any section. These are the answers: https://...
javi's user avatar
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3 votes
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answer as copy of the question, flag declined

This question gives a piece of code and states: Using the above code doesn't work This answer gives the pure exact same code and nothing else. It doesn't event attempt to answer because it ...
Cœur's user avatar
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5 votes
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What should I do with answers that don't directly answer the OP?

For example, this and my own question. Some answers are good and can solve the problem, but isn't directly addressing the OP's question. For example: Q: "Why isn't my code producing the intended ...
Xcoder's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Why was an answer that attributed original authors deleted?

This answer (image for <10k users) was deleted even though the writer of the answer copied and pasted original content to avoid the answer being marked as link only. I thought we are to flag (...
mfaani's user avatar
  • 34.8k

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