Linked Questions

11 votes
1 answer

Re-open closed question with incorrect answer [duplicate]

Background I recently had a problem where I needed to add a user label to optimized code and I found this post: Volatile labels? The accepted answer states that it is not possible. After a couple ...
julesinspaaace's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Current closure reason is not valid anymore - should I do something? [duplicate]

I was doing reviews for the reopen queue, and I encountered a question that had been edited. The closure reason was initially "Questions seeking debugging help ("why isn't this code working?") must ...
1615903's user avatar
  • 34.1k
4 votes
0 answers

Should I vote to reopen the question so it can be closed again but for a different reason? [duplicate]

When reviewing posts in the Reopen Queue I found this question. It was originally not in English and therefore closed for: Closed. This question needs details or clarity. The OP then added the ...
pawello2222's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Should I vote to reopen questions that are closed for the wrong reason? [duplicate]

Sometimes when I'm reviewing the reopen queue, I see questions that are closed for being unclear. When I read the question I understand the problem perfectly, but I can also see that it is to broad, ...
klutt's user avatar
  • 31.1k
62 votes
4 answers

Should we allow voting to change the close vote reason of a question?

Yesterday, I asked this question on Meta about changing our close vote reason for a question which has been edited since casting our close vote reason. The edit invalidated what our currently voted ...
nhgrif's user avatar
  • 61.8k
2 votes
2 answers

Why is my question still being closed after I've explained why it is not a duplicate?

I had this question (Sprite jumping around in a undesirable way when handling collision while flipping the sprite) which was marked as a duplicate of three questions and was closed. I edited the ...
Leon Raj's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Does "I tried external tool T" turns a question into requesting external libraries/tools automatically?

So I came across this question:, which is currently closed as seeking recommendations of tools, but ...
wcminipgasker2023's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Should I reopen questions that already have a good answer?

I have come across a question that was closed (i.e. put on hold as "unclear" by 5 people) very quickly after it was asked. Fortunately for the OP, some people were quick enough to answer it before it ...
anatolyg's user avatar
  • 27.9k
-9 votes
1 answer

Why was my question closed as "not reproducible or was caused by typos"?

The question can be found here: Why won't Ansible ever match hosts? The reason given was: not reproducible or was caused by typos. I don't understand this reasoning for closing it. I have ...
Dave's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

Why was my meta question about the Ask a Question Wizard not reopened?

A while ago, I asked a question about why the direct link to the Ask a Question Wizard leads to a 404 error for some users including me, but links to an actual page for some other users. It was ...
gparyani's user avatar
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