Linked Questions

3 votes
0 answers

Closed question with an accepted self-answer is not deleted automatically [duplicate]

I think we have a potential loophole that stops a closed question being deleted automatically where the OP has answered and accepted their own answer. A simple example is this question. Closed a ...
worldofjr's user avatar
  • 3,898
0 votes
0 answers

Delete general old & bad-rated questions? [duplicate]

Some people ask bad or very personal questions (asking for code for example). Would be great if we could delete them automatically if they have a bad number of votes (-20 maybe?) Stackoverflow would ...
mryuso92's user avatar
  • 267
1219 votes
54 answers

Why is Stack Overflow so negative of late? [closed]

I've been using Stack Overflow for a few years, and initially most questions you asked got a positive reception: happy comments and answers, people that tried to help you out regardless of the ...
Robin Rodricks's user avatar
232 votes
15 answers

Should there be a deterrent for answering obvious duplicate questions?

When someone asks a questions on SO, they are expected to check that the question was not asked before. It is even worse if the question has been asked some 20 times before, because it shows little ...
demongolem's user avatar
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193 votes
16 answers

Off topic questions have to be cleared out of the way, but NOT via closure

Recently I ran across a particular question on Stack Overflow. Despite its being quite easy to answer, it has got no answer yet (and most likely won't, as questions older than a hour hardly receive ...
Your Common Sense's user avatar
233 votes
12 answers

Allow users to optionally filter out low-quality questions

Lots of people are talking about this, so time to throw my hat in the ring. Note that this is just my idea and hasn't really been vetted by other Stack Exchange employees (probably some of them will ...
David Fullerton's user avatar
99 votes
18 answers

Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn't have close votes?

After reading "My Love-Hate Relationship with Stack Overflow: Arthur S., Arthur T., and the Soup Nazi" one of our developers wondered what would happen if we didn't have close votes. ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.2k
116 votes
4 answers

Reviewing some awful questions is just a waste of time, can we have a "no comment" close reason for these?

When handling close votes, I find myself spending more time mapping the question to a proper close reason than the OP spent energy writing the question. I'd like for there to be an option "no comment" ...
iwein's user avatar
  • 26k
118 votes
13 answers

Time for roomba to ignore comments

Remember this: If the question is more than 365 days old, and ... has a score of 0, or a score of 1 in case of deleted owner has no answers is not locked has view count <= the age ...
Braiam's user avatar
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233 votes
3 answers

Did Google recently update algorithms in a way that's bad for Stack Overflow questions?

Until recently a simple Google search was great for finding answers on Stack Overflow. I generally don't restrict searches to because it's a pain to type and I occasionally get ...
Cliff Ribaudo's user avatar
92 votes
11 answers

Feedback requested: New "recommended" homepage, phase 1

For the background, see: The Stack Overflow homepage is over-emphasizing bad questions (and a proposed solution) We've put together a first pass at a new homepage algorithm. You can check it out here: ...
David Fullerton's user avatar
65 votes
9 answers

Penalty for answering help-vampire questions? Or reward closure? [duplicate]

In javascript, I often come across answers from a certain user on typical help vampire questions. Questions that should be closed as duplicates, instead of being answered. You know the type: No ...
Cerbrus's user avatar
  • 71.8k
63 votes
6 answers

Misuse of "off topic" closure reason

I feel there has been a recent rise in people closing questions they don't like using the "off topic" closure reason. I saw an example today where the closure reason was: This question ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
  • 68.5k
62 votes
5 answers

Rewarding overzealous users for answering duplicate questions is undermining the site [duplicate]

When a user posts a question that is, perhaps unknown to them, a duplicate of a FAQ, the correct response is to close the question as a duplicate of the FAQ, with no other answers to the new question. ...
Raedwald's user avatar
  • 47.8k
125 votes
1 answer

What posts get deleted, and why?

A fair number of posts get deleted on Stack Overflow each month, for a wide variety of reasons and by a diverse set of methods. Because these posts are, by definition, not visible and not searchable,...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 158k

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