Linked Questions

484 votes
8 answers

No Thanks, Damn It!

For a while this year, I was on a crusade, editing posts to remove "Thanks". But there were far too many of those posts. So I started to remove "Thanks in advance". But there were ...
216 votes
29 answers

Are we being "elitist"? Is there something wrong with that?

Recently I see more complaints of "elitism" bubbling up. Sometimes expressly called so, sometimes expressing the same thing in many more words. Mostly from new(-ish) users whose question has just been ...
11 votes
0 answers

User harassment [duplicate]

I removed an answer because the OP decided to change the scope of the question, and it was no longer useful. They then wrote a rant about this. I've since been contacted via an email by the OP to rant ...
102 votes
4 answers

What do I do about being harassed by users outside of Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

Earlier I voted to close a question on Stack Overflow (the user was ranting about the site). This person proceeded to track down an email address via my publicly listed website and email me regarding ...
15 votes
0 answers

Harassing email from user [duplicate]

Closed a question from a new user as a duplicate and a few hours later got an email with the following (censoring mine): "duplicated? f**k you f**k you f**k you.... I want to disable save ...
10 votes
0 answers

Is it useful to report off-site abuse to Stack Overflow if it originated at Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I have a blog which is infrequently maintained, and when I signed in today, I discovered two extremely abusive comments directed at me. These were based apparently on some editing I did on someone's ...
217 votes
7 answers

Stop mob-downvoting users on the main site for their actions there and their opinions on Meta

I've seen a few users on Meta recently who appear to be getting lynch-mobbed on the site after either posting an unpopular opinion here, or being the subject of a post because of their actions. ...
2 votes
1 answer

Unrequested (support request, not spam) email offsite [closed]

My question, or point of discussion, is somewhat related, but different from: Is it acceptable to ask other users for their contact information? Should we be able to send private messages to other ...
108 votes
6 answers

Ways Stack Overflow is effective at providing a gender-neutral experience

I just read a Medium essay by Amber Yust (Amber) about being offered Stack Overflow swag as a top 100 reputation user. She was initially disappointed that the choice of t-shirt size did not include ...
9 votes
0 answers

Multiple duplicates - Can there be only one parent for duplicate questions?

This question arose when I came across this question that is marked as duplicate. Following the link one finds a duplicate question (A) leading to one "real" question and yet another duplicate (B). As ...
-13 votes
4 answers

What to do when you have a Stack Overflow Stalker [duplicate]

I'm dealing with someone that notoriously answers questions on a topic with criticisms and no help at all. I flagged his comments on my last question because as per usual none of them were helpful ...
56 votes
2 answers

Abusive/aggressive users taking it outside of Stack Overflow [duplicate]

I know that the powers of Stack Overflow moderators and administrators are limited to within Stack Overflow, but what happens in a situation where a user is clearly being argumentative and abusive to ...
4 votes
2 answers

Are all recent reputation changes visible in a user's reputation tab?

Are all recent reputation changes visible in a user's profile? Are there any exceptional cases where reputation changes are visible only to the users and not others? Are reputation changes due to ...
56 votes
2 answers

Yet another offensive email from another new user on Stack Overflow [duplicate]

So, I previously had asked a similar question regarding a harassing and offensive email I received from an S.O. user who didn't like to have high-quality posts! S.O. team was very helpful and they ...
-2 votes
1 answer

The revision history matters [closed]

This question has been revised so many times and the OP has totally turned things around to his/her advantage. The original problem/question was: Shouldn't "precognitive" badge be marked as "...

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