Linked Questions

65 votes
5 answers

Stress Problems With Stack Overflow

I know this might sound crazy, but users like me can get stressed when asking, answering, or even commenting questions. I always ask myself: "Will I lose reputation, will it get down-voted or deleted?"...
Devealte's user avatar
  • 219
113 votes
6 answers

SO needs to do a better job of communicating that it's different from "normal" forums to new users

We're all aware of how many bad questions and answers are posted on Stack Overflow every day. I think a large portion of these can be attributed to users who misunderstand how SO works. The reason for ...
Aran-Fey's user avatar
  • 41.6k
46 votes
11 answers

To close, or not to close, that is the homework question

Consider the following question, which is representative of a certain class of questions that get posted with some frequency on Stack Overflow. How to find length of array in C++? I want to write a ...
cigien's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

What should I do if my question has been completely ignored?

My question has been completely ignored. It has <20 views after 2 weeks, no downvotes, upvotes, comments, interactions whatsoever. I know I could just set up a bounty, but I was wondering why ...
Maritn Ge's user avatar
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42 votes
9 answers

Does a well explained question nullify a "no research effort" downvote?

First let's start with my understanding of what "this question does not show any research effort" means, because if my understanding is wrong then this question is probably invalid: As I understand ...
musefan's user avatar
  • 48.2k
66 votes
6 answers

Is it OK to ask simple questions without showing your work?

I have seen a many popular questions on Stack Exchange which are asking for explanations for very simple things like what does the yield keyword do and does Python have a ternary conditional operator. ...
Klik's user avatar
  • 1,756
20 votes
9 answers

What are the dynamics of the Stack Overflow community?

I want to share with you some observations and thoughts I made while using Stack Overflow more intensively over the last weeks. Many/most of the very high-ranked users are posting many, many answers, ...
Karl's user avatar
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40 votes
3 answers

What's better: a question with no attempt or with an unfixable/irrelevant attempt?

We sometimes get downvoted on Stack Overflow by posting one-liner, working answers to some users with a very clear problem, like here. So, OK, we're not a code-writing service, but what about the bad ...
Jean-François Fabre's user avatar
60 votes
4 answers

Why do people downvote elementary questions?

There is a common situation on SO where people don't have the ability to ask a good question because they don't understand the concepts at hand well enough. If they were able to ask the question ...
bennett_an's user avatar
  • 1,718
70 votes
9 answers

Feedback and suggestions for editable section of Help Center

I've recently noticed that moderators are now able to edit a section below the Help Center's search box on the landing page. For reference, two other sites that are using this section as well are ...
Samuel Liew's user avatar
  • 78.1k
55 votes
6 answers

How can I ask better "newbie" questions in a language I'm learning?

Back when I started JavaScript, my questions were often downvoted. As I got better, I figured out how to ask better questions because I was a little less clueless about the subject matter. Now that I'...
user avatar
100 votes
4 answers

Let's send new users off to see the Wizard

This post is prompted in part by What can we put in a question template to help people ask better questions? where Jon Ericson and others have indicated an intention to develop a question wizard ...
TylerH's user avatar
  • 21.1k
130 votes
1 answer

Should I post a question that I'm going to immediately close as a duplicate? [duplicate]

Last week, I finally found something to ask on Stack Overflow! I kept track of my research and knocked out a bare-bones replication of the problem. I typed out the question and pasted it into the Ask ...
jscs's user avatar
  • 63.9k
37 votes
5 answers

What is a reasonable length of time to give for a poor question to be improved before voting to delete?

This question was undoubtedly poor and closed 40 minutes after asking. It was then deleted 16 minutes after that. Thus giving the questioner 16 minutes to act on the advice in the close message ...
Martin Smith's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

Why are 'too localized' questions not welcome?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Why does the pattern to reveal buttons stops at the first iteration? A user commented that they’re going to vote to close it because it was 'too ...
Henry's user avatar
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