Linked Questions

-33 votes
1 answer

Why is research effort important? [closed]

Do you feel like being taken advantage of when the asker is sharing the question without sharing his efforts? Does this feeling wane if the efforts the asker made are more confusing than doing it ...
-20 votes
1 answer

What is the quality standard I'm not meeting with my question?

I can't submit the following question on Stack Overflow: I'm using OSClass 3.3.2 and I want to remove the contact form according to a condition, but I can't find it. Which file is it in? I tried ...
-11 votes
2 answers

How can I indicate I am not trying to master a technology I am using?

In, I requested help in what should be a fairly basic AngularJS thing to do. The first comment ran: You really ought to start by going through some ...
55 votes
6 answers

How can I ask better "newbie" questions in a language I'm learning?

Back when I started JavaScript, my questions were often downvoted. As I got better, I figured out how to ask better questions because I was a little less clueless about the subject matter. Now that I'...
2 votes
1 answer

Is there a place for questions that don't really rise to the level of a full SO question?

I've been around long enough to realize that some questions are not really suitable for a full SO treatment, and asking them will only get you downvoted. For example, this question. In C#, what ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can I improve my questions?

I am extremely frustrated with how my questions are being received. I follow the rules as best I know how, but I still lose rep every single time I ask a question. Here is a perfect example: https://...
3 votes
1 answer

If a question can be easily Google searched or tested to see the answer, should I still ask it?

I'm asking this to check whether my understanding is correct. Some page (I forgot which) on Stack Overflow told me that I should always Google search thoroughly before asking a question and I should ...
-16 votes
2 answers

Reward users for NOT asking a question

I ran into a problem this morning with templates in AngularJS that I didn't have any idea how to solve. I started putting together a Stack Overflow question for it and in the process of writing ...
1 vote
2 answers

Asking people to read a book

In my current question the answer (presumably from the author of the book) says that I didn't really understand the chapter of the book describing what I need to do. I'm currently doing my best re-...
-12 votes
2 answers

Is Stack Overflow only for professionals? [duplicate]

I am an IT student. I found out about Stack Overflow one year ago and since then I've learned lots of things from here. Most of time I visit Stack Overflow when searching for a solution to my problem ...
4 votes
1 answer

How is this question a good example of "This question shows research effort..."?

I have researched a few answers here is MSO to get answer of the above question, like How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users? Does a well explained question nullify a “no ...
-1 votes
2 answers

Facing a "Question Block" - How do I proceed without making things worse? [duplicate]

It looks like I'm facing a "Question Ban". It appears to be a warning only, at this time, because this warning appears at the top of the "New Question Form", but the form is in fact there with a "...
131 votes
1 answer

Should I post a question that I'm going to immediately close as a duplicate? [duplicate]

Last week, I finally found something to ask on Stack Overflow! I kept track of my research and knocked out a bare-bones replication of the problem. I typed out the question and pasted it into the Ask ...
0 votes
0 answers

Appeal question which is onhold? [duplicate]

What is the correct process to follow to appeal a question which is on hold after the question has been edited? The reason I ask is I have edited a question and this edit was approved however the ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Can a user ask a question that can't easily be answered on Google? [duplicate]

I want to know if a user can ask a question whose solution is hard to find on Google, like this question. Some questions will never get solved by Google research because they are hard to explain in ...

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