Linked Questions

-12 votes
1 answer

When tied for votes, show accepted answer at top [duplicate]

Accepted answers are no longer at the top, but should be when tied. At time of writing, that doesn't seem to be the case (1). Please favor accepted answer in a tie.
-10 votes
1 answer

Negatively scored low quality community wiki answer is the very first answer displayed [duplicate]

Are community wiki answers always displayed at the top regardless of their poor score or quality? Case in point is the following: A moderator just turned ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I make Stack Overflow sort shown answers by relevance? [duplicate]

I don't remember changing any setting, but all of a sudden Stack Overflow answers start showing with irrelevant ordering: An accepted answer can appear somewhere in the middle of other answers. ...
0 votes
0 answers

Why do I no longer see top-voted answers first? [duplicate]

I used to just see the best answers first, but in recent months it seems as if the default sort is "active"... I want to see the top-voted answers by default. Is there a way to do this?
5 votes
0 answers

Why isn't there a way/option to sort on deleted questions saved from the "favorites" tab in the profile area?

Note: This question is for members with 10k reputation (or more) and ♦ moderators. These questions were starred/favorited at the time the question was made viewable by all, as per the favorites tab in ...
1 vote
1 answer

How is this answer with 1 vote positioned above an answer with more than 1? [duplicate]

Consider this question: Casting interfaces for deserialization in JSON.NET I am just curious, because the answer-positioning seems weird to me. What's the matter here?
-7 votes
2 answers

Why aren't most voted answers displayed first? [duplicate]

If a question has an accepted answer, this answer is displayed first --> Makes sense However, questions without accepted answers, display them chronologically. Than means that even if an answer has ...
3 votes
1 answer

Low voted, non-accepted answer on top

What's with this low voted, non-accepted answer given 6 years later being on top with only 4 votes? R function for testing if a vector contains a given element Only 4 votes for an answer on a 7 year-...
-10 votes
2 answers

Answer with highest vote score is shown only at 5th position [duplicate]

This question: How to make a simple hyperlink in XAML? The answer with the highest vote is listed at 5th position only, and not on top. Why? Many comments say that it is the best answer.
0 votes
0 answers

Why new answers appear before old answers? [duplicate]

Let's suppose that I answer a question, and my answer is correct. A little bit later, another guy post an answer, practically identical as mine, and his answer appears before than mine. Although the ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Order of displaying answers for a question [duplicate]

Have a look at below question : How to check if two words are anagrams I don't know the criteria for showing order of answers but you can see that lot of negative score answers are hiding good ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Why are answers with high upvotes appear below the ones with lower votes [duplicate]

I am new to Stackoverflow Meta. I was looking at this question in Stackoverlfow. I know that the accepted answer is shown first (right below the question, as the first answer). Till now, I believed, ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Order of answers [duplicate]

Imagine there's a great answer to a question, but people keep answering new answers. These new answers are worse, and the votes reflect that. Why does the old (but gold) answer stay so far below? ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Why is the answer with most vote by far ( 52 ) shown as the last answer? [duplicate]

I 've read those two topics ( Is the latest answer the most correct answer? and Why is the accepted answer not on top? ). There is a question with four visible answers, with 0, 2, 3 and 52 upvotes ...
5 votes
1 answer

something wrong with answer sorting? [duplicate]

I thought answers were always to be sorted in descending order, yet since a few days I'm seeing this kind of ordering, for example on this question: what is going on here?

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