Linked Questions

68 votes
4 answers

Should I accept an answer if that answer proves the issue can't be solved? [duplicate]

Case Scenario Let's say I ask a query: How to do x? The answer says: x cannot be done due to some y restrictions. In this case should I accept it even though my problem hasn't been solved? Wouldn'...
asprin's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Is it good to delete an unresolvable question? [duplicate]

Sometimes I asked some questions without actually any answers. For example, a question: How do I batch rename variables with their suggested names in ReSharper? This question, in fact, is ...
user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

What's the best way to deal with Questions that have "Not possible" as an answer? [duplicate]

I've asked some "how-to" questions that turned out that I can't do what i'm asking for. I receive that "Not possible" answer in the comments, because there is no actual answer for the question. In ...
user3340627's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is an answer that says that there is no answer a valid answer? [duplicate]

Do Ternary and If/Else compile to the same thing, why? The link above points to an answer that says that java is slow, and claims that there is not an answer to my question despite the answer written ...
10 Replies's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What's the best way to respond to a question which can be answered simply by a "No." [duplicate]

I came across Parsing string as a line of code in C++ today. The simplest answer to the question is "No.". I voted to close the question as off-topic with the following rationale. This question ...
R Sahu's user avatar
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0 answers

What if the answer to a question is "no, it is not possible" [duplicate]

If the proper answer to a question is: "No, what you are asking to do cannot be done" is that a valid way to answer it? Here is the question I am wondering about: How do I make git automatically open ...
onionjake's user avatar
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81 votes
10 answers

How is this answer consisting only of "NO"s an answer, or am I missing something?

I recently came across this answer. For reference, here's the text of the answer, which also contains a graphical version of the word "NO": NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO ...
Jonas Czech's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Close reason for "Not in my universe" questions

There's a lot of activity on meta bemoaning the loss of the "lacks sufficient understanding" close reason. Very little of it addresses what I considered to be the intended target of that close reason: ...
Ben Voigt's user avatar
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85 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to answer about software that is no longer maintained with different software?

I am a big fan of web automation and scraping. Recently I started answering questions related to such in JavaScript, but I noticed people still use some popular, but non-maintained software which can ...
Md. Abu Taher's user avatar
29 votes
4 answers

How can you find out that an answer is very low quality?

I have trouble distinguishing Very Low Quality answers. I was randomly checking my flagging history, and I saw that this answer which I had thought was an obvious example of VLQ posts, not only was ...
Ormoz's user avatar
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24 votes
6 answers

What should I do with legitimate questions that can't be answered?

I'll just start off with what prompted me to post this. I got a review suspension for this triage review, which I marked as "Looks OK". I know there are quite a lot of meta posts on "...
Charlie Armstrong's user avatar
-43 votes
3 answers

How am I supposed to contact mods and understand their statements when they purposefully ignore me?

I had asked whether users are expected to know the answer to their question a priori in order to know whether their question is on-topic? This was in response to a moderator saying that the "whole ...
user541686's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

Should high reputation users be able to answer in such fashion?

The original question that I raised is here: Mongo Query that always returns zero documents Admittedly, my use-case is slightly non-standard, but it's not too large a stretch of the imagination that ...
Imran's user avatar
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-21 votes
2 answers

“Owners”/“Officials” for a tag

I came across this complaint by Brian Lagunas, the owner of Prism, about his answer to Why GoBackAsync() doesn't fire on OnNavigatedTo() method of previous page? And it got me to thinking, we can ...
Michael Brown's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Failed audit - no explanation was given though

Audit in question: I've read this on Meta: Is "this is not possible" an acceptable answer? And I disagree with the result of the audit ...
rink.attendant.6's user avatar

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