Linked Questions

44 votes
2 answers

Is it acceptable to put "if you have any questions or something wasn't right just let me know" in my answers? [duplicate]

I've sort of gotten into the habit of putting something like "If you have any questions, or something wasn't what you wanted, let me know! I'm open to criticism!" at the end of my answers. I ...
Sylvester is on's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Being polite while asking a question? [duplicate]

I try to be polite and courteous when asking for help thus I always try to end my questions with a "Thank you for the help!" or something similar (on the initial post) just to show some appreciation ...
Austin's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Are superfluous comments in an answer (such as "good luck") discouraged? [duplicate]

One of my accepted answers was edited by a much more experienced SO member to remove a comment I made at the end of my answer to the poster of the original question: "Good luck and happy coding.&...
Michael Lundie's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Do we allow religious invocations in questions/answers? [duplicate]

I'm referring to this question (now deleted, so visible to 10K users only). The question began thus: In The Name Of God. I want enable other Qlineedit in my program with write "abc" in another ...
Kuba hasn't forgotten Monica's user avatar
-14 votes
1 answer

Why is a closing "Thank you" deemed unprofessional? [duplicate]

I know in the grand scheme this is incredibly minor, however it really bothers me. I do 99% of my coding in relation to solution and tool building for an IT department. As a result of writing AND ...
TofuBug's user avatar
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-28 votes
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How to avoid editing war [duplicate]

I have been answering questions about fairly specific technical topics and libraries - mostly ones for which I am a lead developer -- for several years. Over the past few days, one person (who I do ...
M Newville's user avatar
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8 votes
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Removing Phrases in Which OP States Their Skill Level [duplicate]

Very often I see people include a phrase like "I'm a complete novice at this programming language". Should this be considered noise and should I suggest an edit to remove the phrase when I see it? I ...
SQLSuperHero's user avatar
-18 votes
1 answer

Puritanism on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I post this because my question was edited because I used the word "stupid" two times. "Stupid". And the word was not intended to offend anyone, as you can see in the context of the previous link. I ...
Marco Sulla's user avatar
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-13 votes
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Why should we avoid to use "hi" and "thank you" but "haha", "lol" and "lmao"? [duplicate]

I know that in many questions/answers, the words "Hi everyone!" or "Thank you!" will be removed automatically. But why in many questions/answers, I saw that there were many people still using the ...
Tân's user avatar
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15 votes
0 answers

Should "I am new to" be removed as noise? [duplicate]

alot of the time i see questions either at the start or the question say I am [very] new to [INSERT LANGUAGE] or at the end go apologies if this question is noobish but i am new to [INSERT ...
Memor-X's user avatar
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2 votes
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Trailing thanks in questions [duplicate]

When reviewing questions from new users I often encounter they postfix their questions with "Thanks in advance", "Thank you", "Thanks, %name%", whatever. Is thanking in questions appropriate or should ...
toriningen's user avatar
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Editing questions to remove "thank you in advance" after reaching 2k reputation [duplicate]

Will it be okay to remove "thank you" or "Hi, I am computer science student..."-like invocations from the question header/footer after reaching 2k reputation? I saw threads on Meta about it, and the ...
radrow's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is starting an answer with "Welcome to Stack Overflow" discouraged? [duplicate]

I posted this answer on a question asked by a new Stack Overflow user. Since the Stack Overflow user was new, I decided to start my answer with “Welcome to Stack Overflow!”. However, my answer was ...
Lioness100's user avatar
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Should I edit answer that contains religion specific phrases? [duplicate]

I came across to this answer that contain few religion specific phrases. Are they allowed while answering or should that be edited?
Narendra's user avatar
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Should I remove phrases like "any help is appreciated"? [duplicate]

A lot of posts end with phrases such as, "any help is appreciated." In my opinion, this is superfluous and should be removed for the sake of brevity. Is it OK to edit these questions and remove that ...
Patrick Hund's user avatar

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