Linked Questions

12 votes
1 answer

Even though I set bounties, I received no answers; what is wrong with my questions?

I've been a member for over a month and it seems I do really need to improve my skills when it comes to asking questions. I've given bounties to 3 questions of mine so far:
BPL's user avatar
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10 votes
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How should I improve a question with downvotes but minimal feedback

I have recently received a message that some of my questions have not been well-received, so am trying to improve some with negative votes, as suggested here:
Dimpl's user avatar
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10 votes
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Should I edit the original question, or delete it and ask a new one?

Apropos of this question: After further research and some more thought, I've realized that what I'm really asking isn't "Can I store polygons in my database and have them be edited by the user?" ...
kingsfoil's user avatar
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My question seems to be too broad; should I post a new one or try to update?

I posted this question and I realise now that this is not a very good example to get help. I am trying to understand how to handle improving my question, or whether I should just post a new one. ...
James mcconnon's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Problem asking/searching questions

I have been on Stack Overflow for a while, and I always search for the question I have before asking it. However, sometimes I don't find it, I ask it, and it results in a downvoted question because it'...
Chris's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

"How to create MRE for <Thing>" - opinion-based, community wiki, or move to meta?

It is a rough heuristic, but when a post has many up-votes it suggests that it was valuable. If one toggles their cursor over the up-arrow button for a post, it says "This question shows research ...
Galen's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Duplicates while I did the search

Stack Overflow (SO) is a good source to find answers, as is the rest of the internet. So I'd search on google and when a SO page pops up I always check those question and answers. When I will ask a ...
Tim's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How to get an answer to an old question [duplicate]

I have a question that is pretty much exactly the same as this 9 year old question: how to have a static index column in slickgrid The answer provided in this thread is not accepted. I also tried it ...
NHerwich's user avatar
  • 118
5 votes
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Scared to ask questions here - advice please? [duplicate]

I'm a computer science student who has been using Stack Overflow for a while now to research issues I've been having. Unfortunately there are some specific questions I have that I either haven't found ...
yjzhou's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I tell Stack Overflow that my post DOES NOT contain code?

When I try to post my question, the interface tells me Your post appears to contain code that is not properly formatted as code. However, my post does not contain any code. How can I promise that ...
Jim Newton's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Formatting for Q/A about spreadsheet cells and cell functions

When answering questions about spreadsheets, I don't know how to format sample spreadsheet sections. These can be ranges of spreadsheet cells, typically under 10x20 cells, some of which may include ...
Boris Stitnicky's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I know if a bad question was salvaged with an edit?

When reviewing my question history, I faced this question, and it was badly downvoted. When cheking the Help Center, it states: Edit all of your questions, paying special attention to those that ...
LeoColman's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How do I make my question better?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Why do for loops seem non-sequential? What can I change about it to make it better?
Pro Odermonicon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a flag type priority when flagging a question?

Suppose a question is clearly off topic, but it either violates several requirements at once, or the violation type can be flagged in several ways. E.g.: The question is both too broad and subjective ...
Michele Giuseppe Fadda's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Will having unwillingly deleted questions without votes negatively affect my account?

I was ban-lifted a month ago from Stack Overflow and now when I try asking a question again on Stack Overflow, it seems like I am banned again although I didn't get any downvotes in the ...
Seungho Lee's user avatar
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