Linked Questions

-12 votes
1 answer

Where do I ask questions about plugins for a framework? [duplicate]

Because a question "Is there a plugin for X in Jquery", is apparently off topic on Stack Overflow, and also off topic at "Software Recommendations". There is technically no place in this site to ask ...
jitendragarg's user avatar
-33 votes
1 answer

Question by a not-so-professional developer or a beginner [closed]

I am big fan of the Stack Exchange community and mostly use Stack Overflow and the GIS Stack Exchange site. I think at least more than half of the developers around this world use Stack&...
Gunner's user avatar
  • 215
-11 votes
1 answer

Reopen my question about Android application crashing

My question was put on hold, but I have edited to make it better now. Is it possible for it to be reopened? If so, please help me out.
Innocence's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Duplicates while I did the search

Stack Overflow (SO) is a good source to find answers, as is the rest of the internet. So I'd search on google and when a SO page pops up I always check those question and answers. When I will ask a ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 111
-2 votes
1 answer

Why do my questions keep getting put on hold? [duplicate]

I've asked two similar questions in the past day or so. (This was my main question: The first one I got ...
Smithy's user avatar
  • 166
5 votes
1 answer

How to get an answer to an old question [duplicate]

I have a question that is pretty much exactly the same as this 9 year old question: how to have a static index column in slickgrid The answer provided in this thread is not accepted. I also tried it ...
NHerwich's user avatar
  • 130
1 vote
2 answers

What could I have done better so that my question was not closed and I would have got positive response?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: How can I check if a string contains only English characters, exclamation marks at the end? Based on my thoughts and the question below I want honest ...
laser's user avatar
  • 87
-9 votes
1 answer

How to best get an answer for a downvoted question?

Please note, I am not asking 'Why was my question downvoted?'. Nor am I asking 'What is wrong with my question?' or any of the other things that show up on Meta so often. What I want to know is, '...
David Given's user avatar
  • 13.5k
2 votes
1 answer

Can I ask novice level questions on Stack Overflow if I can't find the answer by googling? [duplicate]

I'm an IT apprentice and am currently learning to program. Obviously, I have a lot of questions, some of which the answers to are hard to research. I've been posting these question on Stack ...
Samuel's user avatar
  • 65
-4 votes
1 answer

Why are my questions going unanswered? [duplicate]

I am new to stackoverflow. I have now posted 3 questions in the last few days, and one I resolved myself, and the second I posted the answer to myself too, because no one did for over 24 hours and in ...
Tube Nations's user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

How can I know what I did wrong in my question? [duplicate]

Occasionally I ask a question and get downvotes which don't provide any information on what exactly I did wrong. Everyone makes mistakes and I really would like to improve. Is there a way for me to ...
Elad Weiss's user avatar
  • 3,772
1 vote
1 answer

Would anyone be able to help me to improve my question?

I have written what is obviously a poor question (it is attracting downvotes): ...
RadioRaheem's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How do I know if a bad question was salvaged with an edit?

When reviewing my question history, I faced this question, and it was badly downvoted. When cheking the Help Center, it states: Edit all of your questions, paying special attention to those that ...
LeoColman's user avatar
  • 7,158
-13 votes
1 answer

How can users see past questions on Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

When a new question is asked by the users, the older ones are neglected or unseen by anybody. Or the older questions will go down to the last, and the newer one at the top. Then more and more ...
Akhil Vijay's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Scared to ask questions here - advice please? [duplicate]

I'm a computer science student who has been using Stack Overflow for a while now to research issues I've been having. Unfortunately there are some specific questions I have that I either haven't found ...
yjzhou's user avatar
  • 67

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