Linked Questions

32 votes
7 answers

Answers that use a different technology than what is asked

On occasion on SO, I've noticed that certain users like to post answers that may solve the problem, but intentionally do it with a methodology that's different from the one specified in the OP and/or ...
splungebob's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

How to request help without people suggesting redesigning or using different tools [duplicate]

Not complaining, just asking, is there an etiquette or terminology that can be employed when requesting assistance, say with a code problem, where you don't want people to suggest redoing your company'...
Brian Battles's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Is Andrew Barber no longer a moderator? [closed]

I read an old comment by Andrew Barber, and noticed that there is no diamond next to his name. Is he no longer a moderator? His profile still mentions: Community Moderator ♦ on Stack Overflow (AKA ...
user000001's user avatar
  • 32.7k
8 votes
2 answers

Dealing with patronizing answers (which assume you're asking the wrong question) [duplicate]

Sometimes I ask questions about fairly obscure topics (details of compiler, proprocessor behavior..., ways of using lesser known language features). (C/Python mostly though I'm not sure it matters). ...
ideasman42's user avatar
  • 45.3k
5 votes
1 answer

How can I word a question so I can get a straight forward answer?

Many times on StackOverflow I have asked a direct question but get comments or answers that avoid the actual question and focus too much on picking out other faults with my code that are totally ...
BG100's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What should I do if my question invoked negative or off-topic comments? [duplicate]

Should I delete that question and post again with fixes to prevent such comments? I think these comments are not helping at all, instead are just messing, but at the same time I feel guilty that the ...
mikl's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What's our policy on people who, instead of answering, question a user's reasoning for asking?

I see this all the time, where a user will ask a question, but many of the comments and answers are actively trying to question the user's methodology. It's a bit hard to explain, so I'll try again: ...
TheDoctor's user avatar
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-6 votes
2 answers

Why do users troll questions without answering? [duplicate]

I notice it quite often. Someone will ask a question, and rather than submit an answer to the question said user will critique every other users answer. They may post a short answer in the comments ...
EternalHour's user avatar
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-10 votes
4 answers

Why do some higher reputation users feel the need to bully other users? [duplicate]

I have been a member of Stack Overflow for the past four years. I have made it through a lot of bullying from higher reputation users during this period. For the sake of discussion, consider this ...
Chetan Kinger's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Understanding pattern of responders bypassing the actual question [duplicate]

I can't tell you how many Q/As I've seen of the form: Q: When I do this, I get this result. Why? A: Don't do this, do that. or the related comment: C: What problem are you trying to solve? I can ...
Peter Alfvin's user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Do I need to stop asking questions here? [duplicate]

I've recently deleted two of my questions1, 2 because of upvoted irrelevant comments on my questions. For question one, I've received this feedback: [+3] The problem is that you are using the same ...
uh oh somebody needs a pupper's user avatar
-15 votes
4 answers

Should comments asking rhetorical questions criticizing why you would want to do something be flagged as nonconstructive? [duplicate]

I recently asked a question that got tons of answers as well as comments. Among the comments were a few asking why I would want to do what I was trying to do, and saying/implying it was dumb for me ...
cluemein's user avatar
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-15 votes
1 answer

What to do in case a user is spreading negativity, instead of answering the question [closed]

Few users, who lack the foresightedness or the one who doesn't understand the question start talking nonsense. Just wanted to know, if some one is discouraging or preventing your question from being ...
Rudra's user avatar
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-15 votes
2 answers

How to handle challenge about the necessity of a question [duplicate]

A lot of my questions seem to be met with a "what's your goal?" or "why would you want to do THAT?", challenging the validity of the request without getting into the problem, and are down-voted ...
Ronna's user avatar
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-16 votes
2 answers

People don't answer questions, they just comment about how the question can be avoided altogether [duplicate]

People don't answer questions, they just comment about how the question can be avoided altogether. This is very frustrating for me as I am an inexperienced programmer and I ask the question to learn ...
Clint Eastwood's user avatar
-24 votes
1 answer

Answering = super heroic stuff? [duplicate]

If a person posts a question which is little vague, an ideal response would be asking to provide additional information or should be downvoted. But instead of that, people these days are posting ...
staticshockdracoon's user avatar
-24 votes
1 answer

Are comments saying a question isn't good enough to be answered constructive [duplicate]

I'm going to re-word this from my last post . If I ask a question, and people say things along the lines of "are you kidding me? Of course it isn't ..." Or "It would be stupid if ..." And "Well if you ...
Pacific Bird's user avatar
-27 votes
3 answers

Are comments productive to ask why the OP is opting for a particular way? [duplicate]

Is it productive for developers to ask why someone would do something in a particular way rather than answer a question as asked? Wouldn't it be less condescending to save such comments for after ...
Mark O'Neill's user avatar
-29 votes
2 answers

Flag a comment as misleading [duplicate]

Recently a comment was made by a user on my question. I really appreciate the comenter trying to help. But the commenter misunderstood my question and I even received an answer based on this comment. ...
Kira's user avatar
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-34 votes
1 answer

Provide constructive answer rather than "attacking" the question [duplicate]

Sometimes questions are ill-posed (e.g. no minimal reproducible example or few specifications), but they might still be easy enough to be answered with little effort. As an example, consider this ...
FLab's user avatar
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-44 votes
3 answers

"I'm not sure I understand your question" and other memes [duplicate]

SO is most valuable and I applaud it even though there are 2 response memes that burn my grits... I don't know what can be done about them other than to raise awareness, but I'd sure like to see ...
koan911's user avatar
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