Linked Questions

-83 votes
3 answers

Disable downvotes on questions that get answers [duplicate]

Why on earth questions that get answered (often many answers) can also be down-voted? If a question get answers it means that it is legitimate! So therefore I suggest a new feature request to disable ...
RonTLV's user avatar
  • 2,528
-21 votes
2 answers

If answers are already provided, UNCLEAR reason for Hold/Close be prompted to read answers [duplicate]

I have a suggestion. In reference to this question. Not linking on purpose to avoid voting. How to sum up a row using Excel VBA OR using an Excel formula, if the number of cells in that row ...
peege's user avatar
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-26 votes
1 answer

Can anything be done to mitigate the negative experience caused by bogus close votes? [duplicate]

I've recently been noticing a lot of questions with close votes, almost exclusively with 'unclear what you're asking' as the reason. In almost all of these cases, it's completely clear to me what the ...
Collin Dauphinee's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to deal with answers to unanswerable questions? [duplicate]

I often come across questions where the OP does not provide enough information to craft a proper answer (see a recent example). In my opinion, there's absolutely no way to properly answer such ...
bugs's user avatar
  • 15.2k
-12 votes
1 answer

Why was this question put on hold, and how would I disagree? [duplicate]

This question may not be for everyone, but it received two answers which should have helped the OP. But then, six hours later, it was put on hold. I just don't see what this accomplishes -- it seems ...
Steve Summit's user avatar
  • 47.3k
-10 votes
1 answer

Why was this specific question placed on hold by a moderator [duplicate]

When asking my question a moderator decided to place it on hold as unclear. However, another user has given an answer as a comment. Why was it necessary to place this question on hold, especially ...
Walter Schrabmair's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Is it appropriate to reopen a "closed for not enough detail" question if a solution was found anyway? [duplicate]

I posted a question—size_t == sizeof (uint64_t) not returning expected results—which was closed for "This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers." I don't ...
Alpocalypse's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Should we reopen a "too broad" question when the OP has a solution for it? [duplicate]

In the review queue for reopening closed questions, I came across this question, which appears to be correctly closed as too broad. The edit added after closing however, is the following: UPDATE: ...
Kjartan's user avatar
  • 19k
-5 votes
1 answer

Why are answers to questions being closed as opinionated still acceptable as solution? [duplicate]

I usually tend to flag questions that imply some degree of opinionatedness (if such a term exists?!) and leave a reply why I feel that the post is likely ot attract opinionated answers. While I see ...
Roman Vottner's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is there an appropriate way to get someones else's "too broad" question off hold if I can provide a (not broad) answer without editing it? [duplicate]

Someone has asked a perfectly reasonable and appropriate question on SO but it has been put on hold for being too broad. It isn't too broad at all, and I could provide the answer if it wasn't on hold. ...
Tony's user avatar
  • 371
4 votes
1 answer

Should I vote-to-close an answered question as "Unclear What You're Asking" [duplicate]

While reviewing the Close vote queue today, I ran across a question that I answered myself a couple of months ago. Pre-Meta Effect, the question has been flagged by four different users as "unclear ...
AHiggins's user avatar
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-14 votes
1 answer

Why is my post OnHold with as reason Your Question is Not Clear? [duplicate]

I have a post and somebody responded with a good solution for me, but the funny thing is, site admins put my post OnHold and said Your post is not clear If my post is not clear so how can someone ...
Ali Poustdouzan's user avatar
-17 votes
1 answer

Question put on hold despite soliciting discussions and useful answers [duplicate]

I have run into this a couple of times. Most recently here. I asked a question which, despite the comments, did not simply ask for a recommendation. I asked a broad question and said, how do I begin ...
LShaver's user avatar
  • 305
-11 votes
2 answers

Review audit failed for system verification POST [duplicate]

I have following fishing POST from system for Validation (I am checking question carefully before vote): How to build a web app on tomcat? [closed] I have suggested "Leave Open". and system through ...
ρяσѕρєя K's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

"Unclear what you're asking" votes with accepted answers [duplicate]

Should there be some additional guidelines for "Unclear what you're asking" flags? Consider this question. After two answers, one of which was accepted, someone votes to close as "Unclear." It ...
David Hoelzer's user avatar

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