Linked Questions

16 votes
0 answers

What could be done about low quality, highly visited questions?

I recently looked at the correlation of question score and question visits of non-closed, non-deleted questions. This is the 2D histogram (obtained via a data explorer query) with a logarithmic scale ...
NoDataDumpNoContribution's user avatar
182 votes
6 answers

I gamify Stack Overflow; I'm a rep-aholic. How do I stop?

My intentions have been leaning towards "gaining reputation points" more than "help people" recently. I still have intentions to help, but my urge to gain more reputation points ...
Vince's user avatar
  • 15k
110 votes
9 answers

Should comments saying "google it." be flagged?

I saw a comment just now saying "google it dude" IMHO, it is not helpful either to the OP or to other readers. Am I alone here? Or is it Ok to respond to people with "Google it" as a comment? Not ...
Caffeinated's user avatar
  • 12.4k
417 votes
6 answers

The Stack Overflow homepage is over-emphasizing bad questions (and a proposed solution)

We made a change quite a while ago to the homepage of Stack Overflow which was well-intentioned, but I'm starting to think may have been a mistake. The change was to switch Stack Overflow away from ...
David Fullerton's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why does it take four clicks to close an already-flagged duplicate?

Many questions are obvious duplicates and have already been flagged as such. Why then isn't it a single click for reviewers to confirm this and close them? It seems like it's more work to vote to ...
poolie's user avatar
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946 votes
24 answers

Can we please have the "Lacks Minimal Understanding" close reason back?

That close reason Yes, I believe it was condescending and somewhat rude. However there is a mass of questions that fall under a crystal clear criteria: They're poorly written. They have formatting ...
Benjamin Gruenbaum's user avatar
87 votes
8 answers

Flag 'Try This: {code}' Answers as "Very Low Quality"?

I constantly tell people that “try this” is not a good answer. It explains nothing and just dumps code on the OP which does not teach anything. It's becoming worse and worse, and I even see very high ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
45 votes
3 answers

Why is there only one way to gain reputation?

As I have progressed with my involvement with Stack Overflow more and more of my effort is spent gardening as opposed to answering questions. Everyone once in a while I'll see something I know the ...
nsfyn55's user avatar
  • 15.2k
320 votes
14 answers

On large communities decaying over time, being nice or mean, and Stack Overflow

Wandering about the Internet, I stumbled across why online communities decay over time. This is a rather good article and should be read in conjunction with a group is its own worst enemy. I strongly ...
user avatar
1110 votes
50 answers

Question quality is dropping on Stack Overflow

I'm seeing a rapid trend towards worse and worse question quality. It gets to the point where I'm asking myself "Why did I even help this guy? He neither has the will nor the capacity to understand ...
Tomalak's user avatar
  • 337k
47 votes
1 answer

First Posts and Late Answers queues nearly always empty

I recently earned the priviledge to review first posts and late answers. I'd like to contribute, but I rarely get the opportunity to review a post. Don't get me wrong: I think it's great that the ...
honk's user avatar
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232 votes
15 answers

Should there be a deterrent for answering obvious duplicate questions?

When someone asks a questions on SO, they are expected to check that the question was not asked before. It is even worse if the question has been asked some 20 times before, because it shows little ...
demongolem's user avatar
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