Linked Questions

20 votes
4 answers

Question closed because unclear. Edits accepted, not reopened

The question Inexplicit 'task' in Chrome Performance DevTools was asked by someone, not me. I found it by googling, because I had the exact same problem. The question was put "on hold&...
80 votes
7 answers

A Second Chance: Rework the Reopen System

In the wake of the famous blog post, I'd like to propose a rework of the reopen system. The problem: Poorly asked questions by newbies often get downvoted and closed. Sometimes, helpful users try to ...
122 votes
7 answers

Stop automatically sending edited questions to the reopen queue [duplicate]

I understand that when a question is edited, it is (according to some rules) automatically sent to the reopen queue. I suggest replacing this with doing it manually. Have some button that says "...
-14 votes
1 answer

Wondering why my pretty detailed question was closed for needing 'more details and clarity'

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: ReCAPTCHA v3 badge glitches between inline and bottom-right when I hover over it or my form All the advice for understanding more information on the ...
122 votes
6 answers

Now that the Edit Question button for closed questions is more prominent, it's time to stop non-OP edits from submitting to the reopen queue

The closed question notice was recently changed to display an "Edit question" button prominently in the lower left hand corner (in addition to the text link in the body of the message): ...
79 votes
4 answers

A proposal to reduce the number of closed questions needing reopen review

It seems that any user can edit a closed question. If a user doesn't have the rep then such an edit triggers possibly two reviews, an edit review and then, assuming the edit is approved, a reopen ...
-9 votes
1 answer

Why was my suggested edit that added a tag to a question rejected?

I suggested an edit to a question about the NEAR protocol that was later closed because of missing details or clarity. My edit added the blockchain tag. The question is about a blockchain, so the ...
6 votes
1 answer

The purpose of "unsalvageable" for triage [duplicate]

Suppose a question is mostly good but is just missing a piece of relevant data from the poster (e.g., the poster is asking about an error message in Python but forgot to provide the traceback). Based ...
6 votes
2 answers

How can I know whether a question is queued for hold review?

This question was reasonably placed on hold, probably because there wasn't enough code to reproduce the problem. Six hours after it was edited to include reproduceable code (I just set up a test ...
31 votes
4 answers

Should we edit questions that will be definitely closed?

I always face questions that will be closed for sure. For example: Hi all i want a code that finds the maximum number in array in Java. I write the following: public static void main(String ...
11 votes
1 answer

What happens to suggested edits if a question is closed?

Are they still part of the normal queue or are they rejected?
83 votes
6 answers

We should clean up posts that should be improved but haven't been and won't be

It's been about 5 months since we started testing Triage. There've been a fair number of hiccups, and there's still plenty of work to be done refining the criteria, but at this point I think the ...
17 votes
1 answer

Advice on raising a flag to re-open a question

I recently came across a question, which was closed as too broad years ago. However, I found it quite interesting and given that much progress on the topic has been made since it was asked, I would ...
10 votes
1 answer

How to handle incorrect tag on questions already on hold

The past few days I've tred to clean up the word list - some people don't read the tag info and put questions for ms-word in there. I ran into a few that are already "on hold" (one of which was my ...
37 votes
2 answers

Add a warning message when editing closed questions

Editing closed questions automatically puts questions in the reopen queue. But only upon the first edit. People tend to edit such questions with minor and insignificant edits preventing the original ...
-6 votes
1 answer

Question is closed as not clear even though I edited precisely [duplicate]

I asked a question and people voted to close as "Unclear what you're asking". I have to admit I immediately saw why they were voting, so I made sure to add an edit with more information on the problem....
2 votes
1 answer

Do edits to on hold questions by other users (not the OP) place the question in the reopen review queue? [duplicate]

The help centre about closed questions says: If a question is edited by the original poster when it is marked [on hold], it will automatically be placed in a review queue to be considered for ...
-13 votes
1 answer

Question closed for no obvious reason [duplicate]

This question: External application remote control from Red language was closed as "too broad", which looks like an inaccurate characterization. The author asks for a way to automate the GUI of third-...
5 votes
0 answers

Should edits not be put on the reopen queue immediately?

I asked a question (here) that was correctly put on hold. I edited the question, but realized it really needed more work and edited it multiple times. I was thinking I had five days to fix it and at ...
1 vote
1 answer

False duplicate question, hard to see on first glance (title, tags)

This question about char arrays is a question that seems hard to distinguish from a former one about int arrays. Nevertheless it's not a duplicate. I think the duplicate mark was set prematurely. I ...
1 vote
1 answer

What happens to a closed question when it is edited? [duplicate]

I wanted to modify elements in a list today, but not use a Python list comprehension because the modifications were more complex than I was comfortable coding with a list comprehension. I also did not ...
0 votes
0 answers

What am I supposed to do if I think a question was closed incorrectly? [duplicate]

The other day I came across this question: makefile error : Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64. This question has some issues, to be sure. However, while I was attempting to figure out how to ...
-6 votes
2 answers

Request to re-open a question with a good answer [duplicate]

My question Shell_NotifyIcon without sound in Windows 10 was closed (closed as unclear what you're asking), but I've got a very good answer. I edited and updated my question the content. I think it is ...
1 vote
0 answers

How to remove "on hold" mark after editing? [duplicate]

I asked How to retrieve outliers from ceres solver result?. It was short but, in my opinion, it was clear. However, it was put on hold as unclear. I've done some editing to clarify, added a comment ...
1 vote
1 answer

Reopening questions that have been marked as duplicates [duplicate]

If my question was marked as a duplicate and I changed it to make it unique, how can I let whoever marked it as a duplicate know so they can check to see if it's viable and reopen it? Thanks
0 votes
1 answer

A question of mine was closed as being opinion based. I edited it to meet this objection. What would trigger a vote to reopen it? [duplicate]

I wrote a question 8 months ago. Someone recently upvoted it (making 4 over 8 months) but the question was recently closed as being "opinion-based". I will agree that my title might have led someone ...
0 votes
0 answers

Appeal question which is onhold? [duplicate]

What is the correct process to follow to appeal a question which is on hold after the question has been edited? The reason I ask is I have edited a question and this edit was approved however the ...
14 votes
1 answer

Disagreement on duplication action

By the powers of Mjölnir, I marked this question as a duplicate of a similar question. The author of the accepted answer on the first one is apparently taking exception with my decision. I can see ...
17 votes
2 answers

How to see if on hold question has been reviewed after edits

How do I know if my question (I do not want to link it because it will look like advertising for my question) has been reviewed. It was closed as off-topic 3 days ago and I edited it two days ago ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Did I miss the reopen interval with my rework?

Today, I realized (by chance) that an old question of mine was [closed] as unclear what you're asking. Some time before, I noticed it to be [on hold] but had not the time for working on it. Today I ...
-14 votes
1 answer

Ping close voters on closed question body edit [duplicate]

When a question is closed for a reason that can be fixed (like Unclear what you're asking) wouldn't it be nice if the close voters be notified in case of edit of the body of the question? I mean, I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Questions should be deleted or not when get closed by moderators?

If any question gets closed due to be duplicate or off-topic or unclear etc. should it not be deleted? Sometimes users do not delete those questions. Some questions may be useful and some are not. ...
108 votes
29 answers

Help Improve The Help & Improvement Queue! [closed]

A short time ago, we introduced the new triage queue - a place where users can quickly sort questions into various categories, where one of those categories is 'needs improvement'. Until now, we've ...
8 votes
4 answers

Should a question be closed as a duplicate of a more general question, when none of the answers to the broader question apply?

I recently asked a question regarding work-arounds to a limitation in a popular stylesheet language, which essentially boiled down to: How do I work around X limitation in this stylesheet language ...
1 vote
1 answer

Closing for "Unclear what you're asking" [duplicate]

I don't know what to do with this closing reason. A lot of times, when a question is unclear, folks will post comments and try to get the @OP to improve the question. On the other hand, we have the ...
-8 votes
1 answer

Request to reopen "how to handle c# as if it was homoiconic language?" [duplicate]

I have severely edited my post so it can meet the guidelines, how can it get reopened?
1 vote
0 answers

Should I flag a question which has been incorrectly marked duplicate? [duplicate]

Suppose I have made an edit explaining why my question is different, should I flag it for moderator attention? And if it is indeed not duplicate and is re-opened, is my flag refunded or is it gone?
99 votes
18 answers

Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn't have close votes?

After reading "My Love-Hate Relationship with Stack Overflow: Arthur S., Arthur T., and the Soup Nazi" one of our developers wondered what would happen if we didn't have close votes. ...
5 votes
2 answers

How to make the users who put my question On Hold review it again after I reworded it? [duplicate]

I asked a question several days ago. Very shortly after that, some people put it on hold without leaving any comments. After that, I reworded it several times in order to hopefully meet the rules, but ...
6 votes
1 answer

How do I vote to re-open this question?

I would like to bring the attention of this question to Meta: If, elseif, else in jekyll statement? It was closed as "too localized", however, judging by the massive amount of upvotes and views on ...
4 votes
0 answers

How to reopen a question if I don't have (used) reopen vote?

Long time ago, I've used the reopen vote for this closed question without success. I understand my initial question is not clear enough, so I edited it now to make it a more specific question, but ...