Linked Questions

11 votes
2 answers

Getting banned from reviewing for each audit fail [duplicate]

I'm not writing here to cry out my tears but to get explained. I couldn't find the answer to the following question: Are you getting banned from reviewing for each audit fail? I got banned from ...
xenteros's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

It looks like I have been suspended for one review, could someone explain how this happened? [duplicate]

It looks like I have been suspended for one review, could someone explain how this happened? A link to the review that caused your suspension: An ...
will's user avatar
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1 answer

What determines duration of review suspension? [duplicate]

In the triage queue, I have marked a question as "Requires Editing", while three other reviewers marked it as "Unsalvageable". Apparently because this question is about running a piece of proprietary ...
Nakx's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

If I got two-day review suspension sometime back, the next ban of 7 days is applying after a single mistake? [duplicate]

I was previously got banned for two days from reviewing for passing a link only answer as "no action needed". After that, I had many days of carefully reviewing and only today I did a single mistake ...
Lahiru Jayaratne's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

What are the current review suspension periods, and how do they escalate? [duplicate]

This earlier Q&A says that the intervals for review suspensions are 2 days → 7 days → 30 days, but those intervals seem to be outdated and do not reflect the current practice. What are the CURRENT ...
Duda's user avatar
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Is there a permanent review ban? [duplicate]

If I fail a sufficent number of audits, would I get permanently banned from review queues?
SE is dead's user avatar
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Reviews audits: what criteria behind suspend [duplicate]

I have a question about criteria followed to suspend ability to review of a user. In this weeks I reviewed hundreds of post, "first question", "edit reviews" etc. Sometime I made some error but it ...
Luca Detomi's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

What happens when a user is caught doing robo-reviews? [duplicate]

I think I read somewhere that users who don't review well are banned for 1 week from reviewing tasks. Seems like a pretty lame punishment, so I'm wondering the following: After the week ban, are they ...
neelsg's user avatar
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7 votes
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How many correct "review" tests are needed to clean your history? [duplicate]

I am constantly reviewing the queues and after some wrongdoings in the first weeks (and bans for that matter) I roughly was tested like 10 times the last 3 weeks. I managed all of them but failed ...
Logemann's user avatar
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2 votes
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Accidentally clicked "Requires editing" on an obvious spam in "Triage" [duplicate]

I have accidentally clicked the Requires editing button instead of Unsalvageable while reviewing Triage tasks, so I failed the obvious test. While I didn't get put on hold for now, my 4-day just ...
pappbence96's user avatar
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Does the ban from review History gets erased when you review for a long time without mistakes? [duplicate]

I review everyday in stackoverflow. I honestly do make one or two mistakes every month in reviewing. I did observe that each time I make a mistake the time suspension gets longer. Does stackoverflow ...
Melchia's user avatar
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71 votes
9 answers

A moderator messaged me that my edits which only remove "thanks" and alike are discouraged

There are threads here (thread 1 and thread 2) already but in my opinion it needs further discussion. It is discouraged, but not a punishable violation? I can remember when I didn't have the ...
Willi Mentzel's user avatar
62 votes
3 answers

Failed First Posts review audits are not cleared after suspension period has ended

So I failed two review audits and got suspended for two days … I'm not complaining, but I want to understand why the system works the way it works.
knittl's user avatar
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22 votes
2 answers

Are you told when you are banned from reviewing?

Every so often you'll get tested in the review queue, and if you fail you're told so. If you fail enough, do you get "banned"? If you are banned, what happens? Are you told or just given a hellban ...
Peter Souter's user avatar
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-12 votes
2 answers

Banned from reviewing suddenly and silently - why? [duplicate]

Yesterday I've reviewed some posts, without problems. Today, the review page didn't said that I've reviewed too much post incorrectly (with a link to a failed audit), instead, only the following: ...
FZs's user avatar
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