Linked Questions

-17 votes
1 answer

I need assistance understanding the problem with my question

I got a question ban on Stack Overflow. It is somewhat reasonable: it actually took me a long time to grasp how the community tends to respond to questions, and I had a few "please help me out ...
7 votes
1 answer

Can I edit the Edit Summary of my post edits?

I have not actively used SO, so I just learned about the timeline/revision history feature. I had made a number of edits to my recent post. It looks like on my first edit, I actually noticed and ...
-24 votes
1 answer

How can I improve this question about parameterizing a test fixture?

I just asked this question on main about how to parameterize a test suite or fixture using the Criterion testing framework. Currently, it has 11 downvotes, one close vote, and one upvote, which seems ...
-7 votes
1 answer

Why was my question 75732423 deleted?

I asked a question, and it was closed. It was "in review" for ten days and was closed today. I edited the question and "Submit for review" it 10 days ago, and checked the "...
12 votes
4 answers

Should we discourage the use of <h1>/<h2> at the very start of an answer? [duplicate]

I’ve noticed that some answers start with a a <h1>/<h2> not to structure the answer in different parts --there’s only one-- but to attract eyeballs. I guess there can be legitimate uses; ...
14 votes
1 answer

Why is writing an "Update" section in an SO question frowned upon? [duplicate]

A practice I used to follow commonly accross the Stack Exchanges is the inclusion of an "Update", like in this example from the Interpersonal Skills SE: Update 2/6/2018 I won the election! ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to fix kerning issue with 'T' and ':' when using bold formatting

Some of the text blocks in SO contain this: This looks a bit cryptic since the : merges with the T The same happens for T followed by ;, [, !, ", ... and some capital letters. Can this be fixed ...
-19 votes
3 answers

Does this place value form over function?

I'm asking with respect to some edits made to a one of my questions (10k+). They were: Removed synopsis of root cause in title Put an error message and code into a quote block Removed two "...
-4 votes
2 answers

Editing protocol? [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: How can I multiply and divide an array by a scalar, Assembly-C++? Do I put edits and updates before or after previous edits?
-9 votes
1 answer

Credit for commentators - best practice and SO community view [duplicate]

I have recently had a small debate here, where I advocated for the person answering a question to mention a commentator. This commentator had posted the backbone algorithm of the answer in a question ...
86 votes
7 answers

Removing reputation for rejected edits

Bad edits are a perennial topic here. I bring them up myself fairly frequently because the problem seems to be getting worse. I feel that our reputation model is partially to blame: at the +2 rep per ...
111 votes
14 answers

What's the policy on down voting previously correct but now outdated answers?

As we know, software changes. Perfectly good, accepted and up voted answers can become obsolete over time. Earlier today a user left a comment on one of my older answers pointing out that it is now ...
1 vote
1 answer

Rejected edit that does not change the intent, but reviewers say it does

Here is a suggested edit I made which was rejected: I'm asking because I find a high rejection rate for suggested edits (why do these not go ...
1 vote
0 answers

How do I improve visibility of a question as a newcomer? [duplicate]

I see my question has been marked as a duplicate of What do I do if my question has received no answers or comments? However all of the answers given in this post (with the exception of going to ...
124 votes
15 answers

How to encourage newbie programmers without enabling "hold my hand" comment streams?

One reason I participate by answering questions on SO is to help newbie questioners learn the trade we share. It's an altruistic, "give-back", sort of thing for me. I look for questions that offer ...

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