Linked Questions

65 votes
1 answer

Triage implementation has been (silently) abandoned midway, how bad is that?

I recently learned that triage development has been abandoned midway: Triage was predicated on us rewriting all of the views. Which... Very nearly happened. And then didn't. (side note for readers ...
gnat's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How does an intermediate programmer find questions of his or her skill-level to answer on Stack Overflow?

I am a relatively inexperienced programmer, but I feel that I'm semi-competent in: Java Android General software development principles I am very grateful for the help on Stack Overflow and want to ...
user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

Version-Specific Tags Hide Questions from Users Subscribed to Version-Agnostic Tags

Forgive me if I'm doing it wrong, but when browsing Stack Overflow for questions that I may be able to answer, I would typically add a number of Favourite Tags and then browse the set of questions ...
Lee Mac's user avatar
  • 15.9k
-17 votes
1 answer

Any way to speed up the slow-answered questions?

As a Stack Overflow user, I find that sometimes an interesting question may get an answer very fast (within one hour). But I also find many interesting questions that take a long time to get an answer ...
Wang Shaowei's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

Tag inheritance [duplicate]

I'm a user that visits many sites of the Stack Exchange platform, but basically do the most on Stack Overflow. For the past 2-3 years I've studied on my own the Python programming language and I'm ...
SonicARG's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

A feature to select more than one tag

I wonder if there's a feature to select more than one tag to see their list of questions. For instance I wanna see the list of questions that have either tags of jQuery, CSS or HTML. If there isn't ...
Amin Jafari's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to auto-refresh list of new questions?

Rather than re-clicking questions, is there an option to refresh the list automatically as new ones come in? Elsewhere on the site there is at least a notification when new comments come in or ...
Andrew's user avatar
  • 19.5k
3 votes
0 answers

Would it be feasible to improve question discoverability?

I have seen some posts about implementing difficulty tiers into questions, usually citing the need for people to answer questions at their own skill level. I want to help contribute, but have a hard ...
MrPickles7's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Suggest questions the user can answer based on the user's history of asked, answer and voted questions and answers

I've been a Stack Overflow member for years now. I see my reputation go up every so often. I'd like to spend some time now and again answering questions, but I never find the questions that exploit ...
jeremyvillalobos's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Make it easier for experienced users to find good questions to answer [duplicate]

This discussion occurred about a year ago but I'm not sure I felt like answering some questions this morning and I wound up downvoting about 20 questions instead before I came here to grouse. I ...
djechlin's user avatar
  • 60.1k

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