Linked Questions

4 votes
0 answers

Why I am seeing a user name with a yellow dot? [duplicate]

Why there's a yellow dot next to user name? Reference link : Uniquely identify IOS device
Hemang's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Why does it take only one user, not five, to mark a question as a duplicate? [duplicate]

I just saw this now: Apparently, one user made a binding decision to close the question. And no, this is not the case in which the user was a moderator at the time, but currently is not (because of ...
gparyani's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Which privilege is required to close a question as duplicate by yourself? [duplicate]

Some questions are marked as duplicate after votes of 5 different people. Sometimes I see a question is marked as duplicate (and closed) by only one person. Which privilege level does one need to do ...
Martin Mulder's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Dupe hammer didn't work [duplicate]

I have a gold badge for java. I recently closed Why does IntelliJ skipping a line when coding java as a dupe, but it didn't close. Is there something going on with dupe hammer functionality?
Code-Apprentice's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Closed as duplicate by single user? [duplicate]

I'm confused. I saw a question closed as duplicate by someone with substantial reputation (JavaScript Hoisting). He isn't a moderator. I thought all votes to close required a majority of 5 votes.
Daniel A. White's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

What happened to cooperative close voting? [duplicate]

In voting to close this question, it appears that SO only required my vote to make the closure, resulting in a rather unhappy punter. IMO, the closure is completely correct... but... Why am I able to ...
spender's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

I thought only moderators could close questions with one vote. Has this changed recently? [duplicate]

I voted to close this question as a duplicate, and then... it got closed right away! marked as duplicate by dasblinkenlight 3 mins ago Not that I'm complaining - I'm pretty sure it's a duplicate, ...
Sergey Kalinichenko's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How was I able to mark a question as duplicate on my own? [duplicate]

Could someone tell me how I was able to mark this question as a duplicate on my own, without the need for a usual 5-vote system. Fully expecting the irony that will follow from marking this question ...
trojanfoe's user avatar
  • 121k
2 votes
0 answers

What is the gold point near the username? [duplicate]

See the screen shot: lonesomeday * What does it represent? An example could be found on this question.
Ionică Bizău's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

How someone can mark as duplicate with only one vote? [duplicate]

I saw this question being marked as duplicate by only one voter. The voter is 18k and not over 20k (trusted user). How is that possible provided that this meta question says "closing votes" are ...
Déjà vu's user avatar
  • 28.6k
0 votes
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Voting to close versus unilaterally closing [duplicate]

Usually when I click to close a question, it's just a vote. But sometimes the question is closed immediately just on my say-so. I haven't been able to discern the pattern. Why is it sometimes just ...
Adrian McCarthy's user avatar
645 votes
10 answers

We’re lowering the close/reopen vote threshold from 5 to 3 for good

It’s my birthday today and I’ve got a gift for you. 🎁 We’re lowering the close/reopen vote threshold on Stack Overflow from 5 to 3. About a month ago, Shog shared the results of our experiment ...
Meg Risdal's user avatar
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226 votes
14 answers

More effective closing / downvoting of junk questions to help with the signal-noise ratio?

Signal vs Noise I find that when a question warrants a close vote, it usually violates a number of rules, sometimes a majority of the rules, and it is hard to decide which is the most appropriate. ...
user avatar
99 votes
18 answers

Thought experiment: What would happen if we didn't have close votes?

After reading "My Love-Hate Relationship with Stack Overflow: Arthur S., Arthur T., and the Soup Nazi" one of our developers wondered what would happen if we didn't have close votes. ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
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72 votes
15 answers

Yet another disgruntled new user

The community must have an attitude problem to get comments like this one (now deleted), which was on this question: I did look [for a duplicate], but I didn't see that one in the query that was ...
Bohemian's user avatar
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155 votes
5 answers

Only prohibit those who edited the tags from using the dupe hammer

I have a gold c++ badge but this question wasn't closed when I marked it as a duplicate. The OP had left out the language tag, and it was only added later by an edit. Looking closer, no less than ...
Potatoswatter's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

Why was the closing of this question so unusual?

I recently came across this question (web archive for <10k users) in a different meta post. The post is now deleted, but before that, it was closed as a duplicate back in 2009 (I believe it was ...
psubsee2003's user avatar
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75 votes
6 answers

Canonical duplicate for "floating point is inaccurate"

The question of "why is my floating point operation coming up as 0.0999999999999784" comes up really frequently. Usually we just leave a link to What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About ...
nneonneo's user avatar
  • 174k
44 votes
6 answers

Are we losing the battle against the close vote queue?

Until about two weeks ago, the dreaded close vote queue was shrinking steadily, until it bottomed out at about 7000 (I once observed 6.7k just after midnight). But ever since it has been on the rise ...
Kerrek SB's user avatar
  • 470k
85 votes
1 answer

Is the dupehammer (Mjölnir) still being evaluated, and if so, what is the current outcome?

Somewhat more than a year ago, the mighty Mjölnir (or dupehammer) was rolled out. With this feature, gold badge holders for a tag can close-vote questions in that tag as duplicate with only one vote ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

Can we get rid of [git-something] tags?

There are lots of tags, one for each Git command. I think they should be removed. The questions are good enough if tagged git. I think they are too narrow as one can see by the low question count on ...
Angelo Fuchs's user avatar
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48 votes
4 answers

Allow user to choose between an ordinary close vote and the mighty Mjölnir

I've noticed with the new gold-badge closing that the user no longer has a choice. Voting to close is fine, if you're wrong it doesn't close, no big deal. But if you gold-badge close and you're wrong, ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
64 votes
3 answers

Meta-meta: why is meta full of close-warriors?

Every time I see meta questions coming up in the Community Bulletin link on the side of SO, nearly all the questions are "close-warrior" topics (i.e. aimed at removal of content deemed bad to the ...
R.. GitHub STOP HELPING ICE's user avatar
57 votes
2 answers

After 6 years, a question was closed as a duplicate in favor of a lower-scored question. Should it be the other way around?

Question being closed: Reading file using relative path in python project Has a score of 124. Has an accepted answer with a score of 205. Has next answers with a total score of 56 Yet after 6 years ...
spectras's user avatar
  • 13.3k
72 votes
2 answers

Let's not strive to make all canonical questions a pain to make

I've noticed a rather disturbing trend revolving around canonical questions. It seems as though many people tend to think that canonical questions should be community wiki, that they should not award ...
Madara's Ghost's user avatar
28 votes
3 answers

Meta Stack Overflow vs Meta Stack Exchange

Before asking this question, I already read the entire Q&A here: What kind of questions should we ask on Meta Stack Overflow and on Meta Stack Exchange? But, I am really still confused. When ...
Tarik's user avatar
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-9 votes
1 answer

How can we downvote the use of the mighty Mjölnir?

I've seen some questionable uses of the mighty Mjölnir. I'd like to start downvoting them so the site can gather statistics on the improper uses of it, and possible remove the privilege from robo-...
jww's user avatar
  • 100k
23 votes
2 answers

A long list of possible duplicates — C memory allocation and overrunning bounds

The question Why does invalid memset() after malloc() lead to free() invalid next size (fast) error has just been closed as a duplicate of: free char*: invalid next size (fast) But there are ...
Jonathan Leffler's user avatar
43 votes
2 answers

Is the "Here's how it works:" part in the Help Center a possible source of confusion to new users?

TL;DR The fact that not every question is welcome here is an important information. Shouldn't this be emphasized a bit more in the top part of the Help Center, instead of just saying that "Anybody ...
BartoszKP's user avatar
  • 35.5k
14 votes
2 answers

Would SO community benefit from an AI mechanism to help moderators identify duplicated or related questions?

Do you think a mechanism, maybe AI running in background, could help moderators to identify duplicated and/or related questions? Does it already exist in SO?
Digao's user avatar
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