Linked Questions

277 votes
22 answers

Can we make this meta site work for mentoring?

In July 2014 Shog9 proposed Stack Overflow Academy on Area 51. I was skeptical and thought it was sort of a joke. The idea that anyone would go to yet another Q&A site in order to ask a question ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
  • 21.4k
123 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to flag my own question because I want someone to answer it?

My question has a low view count and I want it to be answered by someone. I learned that you can flag your own post so it can be seen by moderators, but in this case I'm not reporting it as spam or to ...
reggie's user avatar
  • 626
109 votes
5 answers

How does Meta Stack Overflow work?

I've read in the Help Center that… Meta Stack Overflow is the part of the site where users discuss the workings and policies of Stack Overflow rather than discussing programming itself. ...
70 votes
0 answers

Can the up and down vote buttons on Meta have the appropriate message attached to them? [duplicate]

There are a number of questions asking about downvoting on Meta and what it means. Folk are frequently concerned about their valid, well thought out questions being downvoted as if they are "not ...
GreenAsJade's user avatar
  • 14.6k
50 votes
3 answers

Are we abusing our delete votes on Meta?

Someone posted this rant earlier today: Stack Overflow encourages people not to think So many rules that may work for 90% of the time, but there will always be edge cases where they fail. ...
user avatar
42 votes
5 answers

Why are votes on Meta so passionate? [closed]

I'm new to Meta. Yet, I could not help notice the passion (can I use that word?) on questions asked here. I saw questions going into flame, getting sometimes -125 or more, some people (no names) ...
Andy K's user avatar
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41 votes
2 answers

What's the policy on creating tags for website names?

What's the policy on creating tags for website names? Existing examples:, I ask because someone just made a tag and a corresponding tag wiki with the information: ...
Drakes's user avatar
  • 23.6k
36 votes
1 answer

Wondering why this question was down-voted so many times, and how I can improve it

Coming from a background of almost a decade of VB.NET and now transitioning to C#, I'm often equally frustrated and delighted by the differences I encounter between the two languages, both in the ...
rory.ap's user avatar
  • 35k
34 votes
4 answers

Why is this heavily downvoted question not yet removed from Meta Stack Overflow? [duplicate]

I have a heavily down-voted question (Does Stack Overflow support code bidding?). I raised a moderation attention flag, and it was marked as helpful. However, my question is not yet removed from Meta ...
Don Chakkappan's user avatar
33 votes
3 answers

Am I supposed to delete this meta question or just continue to watch it get downvotes?

This meta question is marked as duplicate and it also contains some interesting comments as well as a voted up answer. I'd like to keep it around as a couple of people went to some degree of trouble ...
Richard Chambers's user avatar
29 votes
1 answer

Can a controversial question be considered a "hot question"?

I see the "Hot Meta Post" sidebar, and I notice that they are often high voted questions. I asked in the meta chat but nobody got back to me so: Can a controversial question (many up/downvotes) be ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Beyond confused about question and answer reception [duplicate]

Until this morning I was using a non-Anaconda Python interpreter on Windows, but after looking into what I was going to have to do to get SciPy up and running, I chose to install Anaconda. When I went ...
Semicolons and Duct Tape's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How can I improve my 'too broad' question so it would fit on Stack Overflow (or Programmers)?

A few weeks ago, I asked this question on Programmers. When writing my question, I was somewhat undecided as to whether to post it on Programmers or Stack Overflow. I would suggest that it could ...
amaidment's user avatar
  • 7,208
18 votes
1 answer

Will serial upvoting / downvoting on Meta Stack Overflow be reversed?

I am well aware of serial upvoting being reversed on the main site, but what about on this meta site? As voting is different and is to express opinions, I feel that there should be a difference, but ...
Unihedron's user avatar
  • 11k
15 votes
1 answer

Notification of flag results

I just flagged a post for some edits that I couldn't do myself and I can't manage to find its status. So I don't really know if a moderator has handled it yet (or if they won't). Do we get notified ...
Pierre's user avatar
  • 580

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