Linked Questions

33 votes
3 answers

Am I supposed to delete this meta question or just continue to watch it get downvotes?

This meta question is marked as duplicate and it also contains some interesting comments as well as a voted up answer. I'd like to keep it around as a couple of people went to some degree of trouble ...
Richard Chambers's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

How can I improve my 'too broad' question so it would fit on Stack Overflow (or Programmers)?

A few weeks ago, I asked this question on Programmers. When writing my question, I was somewhat undecided as to whether to post it on Programmers or Stack Overflow. I would suggest that it could ...
amaidment's user avatar
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29 votes
1 answer

Can a controversial question be considered a "hot question"?

I see the "Hot Meta Post" sidebar, and I notice that they are often high voted questions. I asked in the meta chat but nobody got back to me so: Can a controversial question (many up/downvotes) be ...
Sterling Archer's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How to deal with mob voting

I see this quite a lot, and feel "some frustration" with the results so I'd like to ask what if anything can be done about it. I am of course fully aware that users are free to vote however ...
AD7six's user avatar
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-7 votes
2 answers

How can Stack Overflow improve rule visibility and user experience?

One of the most common complaints I get from other programmers when speaking of Stack Overflow is that the community seems to be "fanatical" and "puritans" about the Stack Overflow guidelines and ...
Mike's user avatar
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-27 votes
2 answers

Why the double standard for etiquette?

There are many different aspects that go into a good Stack Overflow question. Tagging correctly, making the question clear, showing effort, making it a non-duplicate, etc. At the same time, there are ...
Michael's user avatar
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-40 votes
5 answers

Is there any sanction for askers who should know better not accepting an answer? [duplicate]

I've recently decided to take the plunge and start answering a few questions, where I can. I can still remember (cannot we all?) what it is like to be a newbie. Questions are not properly formatted, ...
user avatar
-12 votes
3 answers

Is this improper behavior? -- OP: "I have not verified the solution as I had to give up on what I was doing."

TL;DR: Where to draw the line between users freedom and site guidelines when it comes to taking the time to verify a proposed answer? (given it is the only answer provided, and not long after the ...
benjaminplanche's user avatar
-28 votes
2 answers

What can we do to keep Stack Overflow sites friendly to newcomers and clean of spam at the same time?

I am a new member to Stack Overflow and have spent close to two weeks here. I have found it a very useful site for solving problems. You get tons of them in the area which you want to improve. ...
Suparna's user avatar
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-23 votes
3 answers

How can I get support on this platform? [closed]

I wanted to ask a question on Stack Overflow, but users closed my question and the only information provided about the closure was This question needs debugging details Clicking on those links doesn'...
user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Will serial upvoting / downvoting on Meta Stack Overflow be reversed?

I am well aware of serial upvoting being reversed on the main site, but what about on this meta site? As voting is different and is to express opinions, I feel that there should be a difference, but ...
Unihedron's user avatar
  • 11k
-21 votes
2 answers

Why is this question marked off-topic [duplicate]

Where can I find the source for "fetch" implementation used in Chromium? It is not asking for recommendation as noted in the closing dialog. It can be asking for help with the external ...
croraf's user avatar
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-8 votes
2 answers

Question about testing is off-topic?

I had this question closed for the reason: This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center. I understand the primary reason for closing it was ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Notification of flag results

I just flagged a post for some edits that I couldn't do myself and I can't manage to find its status. So I don't really know if a moderator has handled it yet (or if they won't). Do we get notified ...
Pierre's user avatar
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-15 votes
2 answers

Stack Overflow and Stack Overflow {in some language} users should share the reputation [closed]

I created a new account for Stack Overflow en español and wanted to point out a wrong answer in a comment but I didn't have enough reputation for that, even though it's the same Stack Exchange account ...
Vector's user avatar
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