Linked Questions

645 votes
27 answers

Please unpin the accepted answer from the top

Accepted answers are pinned to the top of the list of answers, even when the accepted answer is outvoted by other answers (unless it was a self-answer). I am requesting that we stop pinning the ...
Suragch's user avatar
  • 506k
418 votes
37 answers

Introducing Outdated Answers project

In our blog post last month on our Community & Public Platform strategy & roadmap for Q1 2021, we announced an initiative to address outdated answers on Stack Overflow. Today, I'll give you ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
369 votes
15 answers

Outdated Answers: accepted answer is now unpinned on Stack Overflow

Last week, as part of our Outdated Answers project, we ran a test on Stack Overflow to see what would happen if we stopped pinning the accepted answer to the top of the list of answers. As expected, ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
138 votes
3 answers

Order highest upvoted answer before accepted answer [duplicate]

One doesn't have to look around SO very long before you find questions with accepted answers that are either dated to the point of being deprecated, or which were just flat-out wrong even in their own ...
Nicolas Holthaus's user avatar
38 votes
3 answers

Implement a way to "deprecate" answers

This is a direct result of this post made by Tim Post of Stack Overflow: As Stack Overflow is getting older, programming changes. Practices that were once ...
32 votes
1 answer

Should accepted answers on old questions be edited to reflect the "best answer"?

I recently stumbled across this accepted answer to a popular Node.js question about how to check the version of V8 being used by Node. The answer in its current state seems great, but after looking a ...
Ajedi32's user avatar
  • 47.9k
24 votes
3 answers

Combining answers

Consider this question: C++ templates: return value by type I have provided an answer which is "why does it go wrong". I intended to edit it to add "how to fix it", only to discover that someone ...
Martin Bonner supports Monica's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Why are negative score accepted answers still at the top? [duplicate]

I get why the "accepted" answer gets the top spot on a question. It's what helped the OP the most, fastest, etc. It seems a little off it has a score of say, 2, and another has 20. In this case both ...
BradleyDotNET's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Accepted Answer Vs Voted Answers

I've been in this situation many times now - where another user whose answer having more up votes than mine (or any other user) commenting below my accepted answer to the OP why he didn't accept his ...
T J's user avatar
  • 43.1k
4 votes
1 answer

Status of "Vote to change accepted answer" or user preference on how answers are sorted [duplicate]

First of all - I know this has been asked many times, like: Deemphasise the accept mark if there's an answer the community strongly prefers? Can a non-asker of a question change the accepted ...
nikib3ro's user avatar
  • 20.6k
2 votes
0 answers

Improve UX by adding alert another answer may be more useful [duplicate]

If there is clearly another answer that is better (more up votes by X%) than the accepted answer, then an alert should be displayed linking the user to the answer with said up votes.
Spechal's user avatar
  • 2,676
2 votes
0 answers

Should there be a circumstance where the highest-rated answer comes before the accepted answer? [duplicate]

Today I came across this question, looked at the top answer in the list and assumed that was the best solution as it had 94 up votes. I then came back and saw a far better solution below it that had ...
JKennedy's user avatar
  • 18.7k
0 votes
0 answers

The best answers are voted up and rise to the top [duplicate]

I made an answer that was accepted and had 1 upvote. Another answer had 2 upvotes. That's okay, there are really close and in terms of score the top answer is better (1*10 + 15) > (2*20). This ...
gsamaras's user avatar
  • 73.1k
-3 votes
2 answers

Does the utility of selecting an answer outweigh an vote-only system?

The paradigm of Stack Exchange is that the person asking a question selects the accepted answer. Does the act of selecting an answer positively affect the quality of the information presented on the ...
Brian Risk's user avatar
  • 1,429
-4 votes
1 answer

Should answers with higher votes have a visual hint?

The accepted question, if any, is acknowledged with a green mark and I also see that is sorted (desc) by number of votes, but I wonder if some users would find interesting to see a symbol to indicate ...
Gonzalo Contento's user avatar

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