Linked Questions

-42 votes
3 answers

Abuse of privileges? A moderator locked my question and removed all my edits and our back and forth discussion on whether my question is duplicate [duplicate]

Backstory (NOT ENTIRELY RELEVANT TO THE REAL QUESTION) I believe my question isn't a duplicate, but a moderator does (note: I do not care whether you believe it was a duplicate or not). I created ...
user avatar
-20 votes
1 answer

Why was I question-banned again after self-deleting my closed question? [duplicate]

I have already asked here yesterday for help to improve my posts and I'm very grateful for that. I was banned from posting questions on Stack Overflow and you helped me to revert that. Yesterday I ...
Andreas Sabelfeld's user avatar
-33 votes
1 answer

Question closed within a few minutes [duplicate]

I've just posted this question. Within minutes, it was closed, no explanation given, with just a link to another question. I'm not sure this is a good policy. There's no explanation of why someone ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
-22 votes
2 answers

Would it be better to provide an explanation when closing questions as duplicates? [duplicate]

My question is closed as a duplicate, with no explanation. The linked answers did not help me solve the problem. In my experience, too many questions are simply dismissed as duplicates. In this case, ...
cibr's user avatar
  • 473
-8 votes
1 answer

What to do about this special dup: BASH script vs BASH include

Both questions ask whether we need Shebang (#!/bin/bash or #!/bin/sh) This is a proposed dup question about a BASH source (include) script Proper answer: Allowed, but professional answer is 'NO' This ...
Jesse's user avatar
  • 896
-10 votes
3 answers

Was this post closed then deleted for a valid reason?

I understand questions are closed as dupes if the community feels that a similar question has been addressed in another question, but, I find myself discombobulated regarding a recent post deletion ...
sseLtaH's user avatar
  • 11.1k
-11 votes
1 answer

Why my question was marked as duplicated? [duplicate]

I wrote this question that was marked as duplicated: could someone explain to me the reason since the post that was indicated to me as original does not solve my problem on java 9 and later?
user avatar
-16 votes
1 answer

Asking good questions about rudimentary things [duplicate]

Today I asked a question about C# coding that, in all likelihood, seemed too simple to interest the experienced coders who patrol the boards. It was promptly closed. The question did not seem foolish ...
W. C. Bastedo's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

" If these questions don’t resolve your question, ask a new one. " [duplicate]

Here: Yet another Ajax POST to PHP: $_POST is empty I said I've already read other questions and they didn't solve my problem. Hence I asked a new question linking the relevant questions I read. ...
Mark's user avatar
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-44 votes
1 answer

Duplicate question process is conceptually untenable [duplicate]

If a user asks a question and someone with a ton of rep comes along, thinking it's already been asked, they usually flag the question and close it. I don't know the exact stats on this but I would say ...
xendi's user avatar
  • 2,502
0 votes
0 answers

Can we get this question Unmarked as Duplicate? [duplicate]

UPDATE: Why this is not a duplicate of the indicated duplicate: Because the indicated duplicate is about how the Original Poster can fix the issue. In this case, we have a question that was posted ...
JamesHoux's user avatar
  • 3,355
-13 votes
1 answer

Nothing ask about SQL injection, but marked duplicate for SQL injections [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: How do i improve security of User Login My question related to PHP sessions. Nothing related to SQL injections, But professionals has marked my ...
web_guy's user avatar
  • 31
65 votes
7 answers

Spurned authors deleting their questions after they are closed as duplicate

I've been monitoring the bash tag for some time now and every and now then users get really angry when some of their questions get closed as a duplicate of a well-discussed and clearly explained Q/A ...
Inian's user avatar
  • 84.4k
-8 votes
1 answer

Fix old duplicate question [duplicate]

This old question: Line closest to a set of points has been flag has duplicated. However, the related question is not the same, because the answer on the canonical suggest to use a linear regression,...
pasaba por aqui's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to edit an answer to mark the question it is posted under as a duplicate target for another question?

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: Getting Output Volume on Mac in Swift So I asked on how to GET the system volume level in Swift. I did a lot of searching (including searching for ...
KG7UAT's user avatar
  • 3

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