Linked Questions

68 votes
2 answers

"This question already has answers here" - but it does not. What can I do when I think a question is not a duplicate?

Somebody commented on my question that it is a possible duplicate of another question. I replied and clarified that the other question is about Android, is mostly about the JTDs driver (which I did ...
-12 votes
4 answers

Some users are not reading the questions that they are reviewing [duplicate]

Recently I posted a question and answer that was marked as a duplicate by five users who clearly must not have read any answers to it. The question itself is unique. Nobody had previously asked how to ...
inorganik's user avatar
  • 25.4k
-33 votes
1 answer

Question closed within a few minutes [duplicate]

I've just posted this question. Within minutes, it was closed, no explanation given, with just a link to another question. I'm not sure this is a good policy. There's no explanation of why someone ...
An old man in the sea.'s user avatar
-42 votes
3 answers

Abuse of privileges? A moderator locked my question and removed all my edits and our back and forth discussion on whether my question is duplicate [duplicate]

Backstory (NOT ENTIRELY RELEVANT TO THE REAL QUESTION) I believe my question isn't a duplicate, but a moderator does (note: I do not care whether you believe it was a duplicate or not). I created ...
user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

How to report someone who is wrong at marked your question as "duplicate"? [duplicate]

Okay, wonder if this question will be mark as duplicate. But I get this more than one, I may be a "bad asker" in the future, but this really pissed me off that I ask a question, than there are people ...
Fuuka Adachi's user avatar
-13 votes
1 answer

Nothing ask about SQL injection, but marked duplicate for SQL injections [duplicate]

I have a question about my Stack Overflow post: How do i improve security of User Login My question related to PHP sessions. Nothing related to SQL injections, But professionals has marked my ...
web_guy's user avatar
  • 31
-29 votes
1 answer

How should I react to what seems to be abusive flag as duplicate? [duplicate]

Even if my question is more general, an example of the problem can be seen here. Quick description of the keys things that make this problem what it is: The question is quite specific and thus doesn'...
user avatar
-20 votes
1 answer

Wrongly dup-marked question single handedly [duplicate]

Very shortly after LavX64 (a user who's pretty new to this site - 16 rep) asked this question, the user πάντα ῥεῖ single handedly marked the question as a duplicate. Two problems now: The marked ...
Bodo Thiesen's user avatar
  • 2,514
-2 votes
2 answers

My question was dupe-hammered, but the supposed original did not answer the question [duplicate]

I asked a question (that supposedly didn't have an explicit answer on SO but I knew it was relatively simple) that was evaluated as a duplicate by a user seemingly just from the outlook of what I was ...
Shiri's user avatar
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-20 votes
1 answer

Why was I question-banned again after self-deleting my closed question? [duplicate]

I have already asked here yesterday for help to improve my posts and I'm very grateful for that. I was banned from posting questions on Stack Overflow and you helped me to revert that. Yesterday I ...
Andreas Sabelfeld's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

Question marked incorrectly as duplicate [duplicate]

I posted a question about video's for HTML5 and it ended up being marked as a duplicate, yet the question linked was in no way helpful. It simply told me something I already knew and it's answer was ...
Adjit's user avatar
  • 10.3k
10 votes
0 answers

" If these questions don’t resolve your question, ask a new one. " [duplicate]

Here: Yet another Ajax POST to PHP: $_POST is empty I said I've already read other questions and they didn't solve my problem. Hence I asked a new question linking the relevant questions I read. ...
Mark's user avatar
  • 4,801
-1 votes
1 answer

How to contest a duplicate question when it is not a duplicate? [duplicate]

My question is being marked as a duplicate. At one point in time I saw a link at the top stating something along the lines of "Maybe you can try explaining how this is not a duplicate" or something ...
Luminous's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

How to oppose questions marked as duplicate [duplicate]

Since most people are lemmings, it often only takes 1 duplicate flag for a question to be closed as duplicate. (even if the so called duplicate does not even get close to answering the question). ...
Damien Overeem's user avatar
-10 votes
2 answers

How to request that a close vote be reviewed? [duplicate]

One of my SO questions was marked as duplicate. I revised the question and added a comment to indicate why I felt it was not a duplicate. How can you request that the close vote be reviewed/removed?
Marcus Leon's user avatar
  • 56.3k
-6 votes
2 answers

Why my post is marked as duplicate? [duplicate]

I published this post but it is marked as duplicate. Occording to me it's wrong, I explained why in comment but moderators don't answer me. Moreover, the link proposed does not solve my issue Can you ...
general03's user avatar
  • 863
-11 votes
1 answer

If a question has been flagged as a duplicate but is not really one, then how can an SO user communicate the same (other than comments)? [duplicate]

I came across a question from a newbie SO user (but not new to program or the platform) which had been flagged as a duplicate, but it was not really one. It had 2-3 downvotes. It has since been ...
Ravindra HV's user avatar
  • 2,608
-8 votes
1 answer

Can I report if a question is marked as duplicate, but actually it is not? [duplicate]

This question is marked as a duplicate. But the questioner does not know that was the answer. So is the question marked as duplicate correct? Also, if I feel that the marked flag for that question ...
siddiq's user avatar
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-12 votes
1 answer

PHP question closed because apparently it was a duplicate, but I believe it's not [duplicate]

I posted a question regarding a php/html error I was facing here and someone deemed it to be a duplicate of this link . While I understand the error message was the same, my question is in no shape ...
Frosty619's user avatar
  • 1,459
12 votes
1 answer

My question was flagged as a duplicate when it wasn't a true duplicate [duplicate]

I don't usually worry about downvotes, but I'm now genuinely confused. I posted this question: I tried ...
Athena's user avatar
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-16 votes
1 answer

Asking good questions about rudimentary things [duplicate]

Today I asked a question about C# coding that, in all likelihood, seemed too simple to interest the experienced coders who patrol the boards. It was promptly closed. The question did not seem foolish ...
W. C. Bastedo's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How duplicate questions can be marked as not-duplicate, after editing to show the difference [duplicate]

I had asked a question on SO: Denying PHP Script To run within certain folder but still making it downloadable at that time the question wasn't clear and was using different tags like: wamp,.htaccess ...
Vedant Terkar's user avatar
-8 votes
1 answer

Fix old duplicate question [duplicate]

This old question: Line closest to a set of points has been flag has duplicated. However, the related question is not the same, because the answer on the canonical suggest to use a linear regression,...
pasaba por aqui's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How do I message to stackoverflow post moderator [duplicate]

I want to message to my question moderator to ask him why he think my post duplicate to another question, but i cant find out where is button or link to send him on his profile He closed my post, and ...
Le Quang Hoa's user avatar
-10 votes
1 answer

I don't see how this is a duplicate [duplicate]

My StackOverflow Question: Why do I need SVN to install rgl from github using install_github? Background: I was getting some unexplained behavior (on rgl again), that seemed contradictory to an ...
Mike Wise's user avatar
  • 22.7k
-14 votes
1 answer

I have a closed question but it should be opened [duplicate]

I have a question which is closed as a duplicate. I have reworded the question because the "duplicate" doesn't answer my question. I have now come up with my own solution but can't post my answer ...
Adam Heeg's user avatar
  • 1,704
-11 votes
1 answer

Frustration with Stack Overflow user decision to mark "Duplicate" [duplicate]

I posted Two simple C# Inheritance methods result in different output. User Ivan Stoev marked it "Duplicate". He directed readers to Difference between shadowing and overriding in C#?. Ivan's ...
werp's user avatar
  • 80
-13 votes
1 answer

moderation of "duplicate post" [duplicate]

I recently asked a question that was, within minutes, flagged by a user with lots of points as an "exact duplicate" of a question that it was not at all an exact duplicate of. Views (and, of course ...
axlotl's user avatar
  • 1,412
1 vote
1 answer

My question is flagged as a possible duplicate [duplicate]

I posted a question last night that I spent considerable time trying to fix myself. I couldn't do it, and so I put up a what I consider to be a well-described question with a clear title, what it is I ...
Madivad's user avatar
  • 3,239
3 votes
1 answer

Is there a mechanism to ask for reopening a question closed as duplicate? [duplicate]

A question of mine was closed as a duplicate, and a question marked as duplicate states: This question was marked as an exact duplicate of an existing question I'm pretty sure it hasn't been read ...
Albert's user avatar
  • 1,206

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