Linked Questions

71 votes
7 answers

Why do we reward users for answering bad questions and would it be a good idea to incentivize those who downvote or flag them instead?

I've noticed that a simple way to earn reputation is by answering easy questions. Even if I don't know the answer to a question it will often be very similar to another question or only take a few ...
Bdeering's user avatar
  • 350
212 votes
21 answers

Can we make it more obvious to new users that downvotes on the main site are not insults and in fact can help them help themselves?

So, going through the questions about the blog post, it's stirred an old question in me I've wanted to ask for a while. To be clear, I have been sitting on this question for a while, not quite ...
Kendra's user avatar
  • 768
36 votes
3 answers

Should I edit on-hold questions?

Should I ever edit a question if it is on-hold? The OP is supposed to edit the question anyway when it is on hold, so an edit by another user is bound to be overthrown by the OP's new edit. And if ...
user avatar
307 votes
22 answers

Let's improve Stack Overflow's "Ask a Question" page!

We've all heard and done our fair share of complaining about declining question quality. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Various ideas have been floated, but haven't gotten significant traction for various ...
Cody Gray - on strike's user avatar
86 votes
4 answers

Would it be useful to have an extension of mjölnir close voting powers for (language) tag related close reasons?

Inspired from this meta question and my comment at Shog9's answer, I'm going to ask for that feature now: I'd like to see an extension for the gold badge users of a particular tag, not only to be able ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
51 votes
3 answers

What weight do Meta discussions have?

Here on Meta a lot is being discussed about how users should behave on Main. There are discussions about what is off-topic and what isn't, what kind of content deserves votes of whichever kind and ...
CodeCaster's user avatar
  • 150k
38 votes
5 answers

Is Stack Overflow losing its shine? [duplicate]

Due to insane number of bad questions are being asked every day it's getting increasingly difficult to find good questions that deserve some answers. As a result, good questions are getting buried ...
Navoneel Talukdar's user avatar
93 votes
3 answers

Sudden change in voting proportion

I study voting on Stack Overflow and found a sudden change in negative/positive voting ratio on questions in April 2014. I would imagine that such a drastic change will result from a change in Stack ...
Benny's user avatar
  • 53
42 votes
3 answers

Why have tag gold badge recipients been given the dupe-hammer but not an MCVE-hammer?

I find the dupe-hammer privilege to be somewhat difficult to use on the tags I look at. I think it's a dupe, so I go searching for an appropriate dupe. The process gets to be fairly tedious with ...
Robert Crovella's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Possible UI bug? [duplicate]

I noticed a bug (maybe) in the UI, specifically in the 'Related Questions' pane: Notice the '1' right under the '17'. I don't know if this is a bug, but it is quite ugly. It should reproduce itself ...
Asad-ullah Khan's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

High downvote to upvote ratio (not serial downvoting)

Often times I've found that questions and answers that deserve a downvote elicit a heavier emotional response than upvotes. It's easier to recognize a bad question/answer than a good answer, and even ...
user4012225's user avatar
50 votes
3 answers

Are we abusing our delete votes on Meta?

Someone posted this rant earlier today: Stack Overflow encourages people not to think So many rules that may work for 90% of the time, but there will always be edge cases where they fail. ...
user avatar
-12 votes
1 answer

Downvote cut-off for rep

I just have to ask if there should be a cut-off for downvotes affecting rep. I have seen, and been guilty of, asking a poorly worded question. The problem as I see it is, sometimes, when you ask ...
Nyra's user avatar
  • 879
51 votes
2 answers

Attempts to improve old off-topic question met with downvotes

In the spirit of trying to improve the quality of Stack Overflow, I've been looking for closed questions I think I know something about, to see whether they can be salvaged. As we've discussed ...
Bruno's user avatar
  • 121k
61 votes
10 answers

Was I (and Stack Overflow) being too strict and unreasonable in closing this question?

This question was asked and, somewhat predictably, closed: How do web designers do complicated CSS coding?. The question (reproduced at the bottom in case of deletion), to my mind, was horrible (...
David Thomas's user avatar

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