Linked Questions

20 votes
2 answers

What can I do against someone who downvotes all my posts? [duplicate]

I downvoted someones answer, he asked why and i gave him the answer. He insulted me with go get a life ... douche (or something like that) deleted his answer and is now downvoting all my posts. ...
Philipp Sander's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Someone was abusing me in comments and now downvoted me with 86 points [duplicate]

Well, it takes a hell of a lot of efforts to give a right answer and it takes even more thought processes to give a suitable explanation of what and how you made the answer. I woke up this morning ...
Vishwa Ratna's user avatar
  • 6,262
-24 votes
2 answers

Is it OK to re-post the same answer after down-vote or how to deal with jokers [duplicate]

Last few months someone (I'm sure that this is the same person each time) constantly downvotes my answers. Of course with no comments. Maybe someone offended on my criticism or someone who think that ...
Andersson's user avatar
  • 52.5k
19 votes
1 answer

Action for Unreasonable Downvotes [duplicate]

I got 123 reputations this day, until this afternoon. Then I've come across questions which I and others downvoted and commented because they are not appropriate for the community being asked. (...
Cyval's user avatar
  • 2,499
6 votes
1 answer

All the 3 users got downvoted for closing the answer [duplicate]

This question was closed by 3 users. After that, the OP decided to downvote the questions/answers of all 3 of us for revenge, I guess. What should one do in this situation? The downvotes can be seen ...
Rajdeep Singh's user avatar
-21 votes
1 answer

All my new questions are suddenly downvoted [duplicate]

For the last 2 days, my questions were downvoted. I have no idea what's wrong with them. I showed them to my colleagues and they also think that they are fine. How can I deal with it?
jakub's user avatar
  • 3,784
-10 votes
1 answer

Are downvote costs visible when I check the activity of someone else? [duplicate]

Can downvote-costs be seen in the activity tab of the profile? If so it would be easy to validate revenge-downvotes, if you have a specific user in mind. I changed the wording of the question, ...
Kami Kaze's user avatar
  • 2,080
-16 votes
1 answer

Policy on retaliatory downvoting [duplicate]

I posted a question, and someone commented with a non-answer. I told him his answer didn't answer the question, and he told me to google it in a pretty hostile manner, so I flagged his comment as ...
Marc Adler's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

I received a series of downvotes [duplicate]

Recently I noticed that I had received a number of downvotes on about 10 answers in a span of 1 minute. That's about 6 seconds per question. Now I don't mind criticism at all but how is it humanly ...
Saif Asif's user avatar
  • 5,640
-3 votes
1 answer

Improper downvotes from a user that I vote to close one of his questions [duplicate]

A few hours ago, I check this question, which is not a proper question due to SO rules so I voted for closure with reason Off-topic > Why isn't this code working reason and downvote the question. ...
Mp0int's user avatar
  • 18.6k
0 votes
1 answer

Rage Downvotes - How do we deal with them? [duplicate]

I was wondering about something: A friend who is quite active on Stack Overflow told me recently that if he feels offended by somebody, he just goes on their profile, opens a couple of answers or ...
PKlumpp's user avatar
  • 5,173
0 votes
1 answer

Found a weird change in reputation history. Seems like Parallel Serial voting [duplicate]

I suddenly noticed a weird change in my reputation history. It goes -42. First I think any of the question which I answered may be deleted or something. But when I checked my reputation history, it ...
Sagar V's user avatar
  • 12.4k
6 votes
1 answer

1 down vote on every question and answer seems like abuse from 1 person [duplicate]

Receltly, i joined stack overflow and asked my first question. I got an answer and was happy. No downvotes. After asking more questions I still never got a downvote. After asking a question marked as ...
Another User's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Have I been serial down-voted? [duplicate]

I checked my reputation tab a bit ago, and noticed something a bit odd (partial list in screenshot, the full list is much longer). Did someone do this? Or is the system acting strangely?
theMayer's user avatar
  • 16k
-2 votes
1 answer

How do I reverse serial downvoting on my posts? [duplicate]

I must have caused someone to be angry at me, because these two reputation changes happened within a few seconds: These two posts are the ones with the most votes, so they are on top of the lists ...
Jonan's user avatar
  • 2,516

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