Linked Questions

49 votes
4 answers

Is it ok to ask to upvote/accept my own answers? [duplicate]

I am not doing that. This is something I saw some people doing. Case 1: A relatively high rep (3k+, as I remember) users asks a question. Another relatively high rep user X provides an answer. The ...
sampathsris's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Are we allowed to ask/remind the OP to accept answers? [duplicate]

I've started to see this happen quite often of late. And this is usually done by users whose rep ranges between 200 to 2k reputation. I came across this again today and wondered if we are allowed to ...
asprin's user avatar
  • 9,713
-20 votes
2 answers

Who keeps deleting my comment? [duplicate]

I just gave an answer to this post. The answer is helpful and I have received two upvotes. OP commented that my answer is helpful but they didn't accept my answer. Thus I have commented below my ...
John Joe's user avatar
  • 12.7k
24 votes
1 answer

How to deal with new users that don't accept answers for their questions? [duplicate]

Here's the subject of my question. This is a newish user that I answered a question for a little while ago. His response was "thanks it works for me now", to which I advised him that he could mark ...
Tanner's user avatar
  • 22.5k
-6 votes
1 answer

Can I ask someone to accept my answer to a question on hold if they found it useful? [duplicate]

I answered a question that was later put on hold due to asking for a recommendation, but despite being the only answer currently there, and (in my opinion) being a suitable answer to the question ...
LuminousNutria's user avatar
-7 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to request a newbie user to accept and upvote? [duplicate]

There are multiple questions related to this case - here and here. Some of them suggests that it is okay to comment with the SO link. But, I have my doubts due to the following reasons. Today, I ...
akrun's user avatar
  • 880k
-5 votes
1 answer

User wrote a thank you comment instead of upvoting/accepting an answer. What should I do? [duplicate]

It often happens that I spend a lot of time writing high-quality, working answers, to which I expect reputation increase. Some OPs, instead of accepting the answer or upvoting it, write a thanks, it ...
Nino Filiu's user avatar
  • 17.6k
-24 votes
1 answer

I Answered A Question For Nothing! [duplicate]

I once answered a question, and it appeared second in the list of answers. The answer is a good one, because I provided a M.C.V.E. and it's fairly straightforward. But the asker of the question ...
clickbait's user avatar
  • 2,927
10 votes
1 answer

Reputation to Accept Answer [duplicate]

In this question, the asker (a new user) said in a comment: Because I am knew to stack overflow, I am unable to upvote or mark your answer as correct, unfortunately. He had 11 rep at the time. It ...
thelr's user avatar
  • 1,184
3 votes
1 answer

What to do if the asker of a question doesn’t accept a correct answer [duplicate]

This is something that has happened to me multiple times. Here’s what’s been going on I find a question that hasn’t been active for some time, say a few months I post a high quality answer that ...
AlexH's user avatar
  • 848
-5 votes
1 answer

Is it a ok to request a checkmark from the OP? [duplicate]

I made an answer to this question: SwingWorker ProgressBar and it was the only answer (and it solved the problem) to the question. But years have passed and the asker hasn't given me credit for the ...
ryvantage's user avatar
  • 13.3k
-15 votes
1 answer

How to get a response marked as answered when the question author has low reputation score [duplicate]

I answered this question a while back and the poster agreed it should be marked as the answer, but they have too low a reputation score to mark it. Is there some way to get it marked as the answer by ...
Jake Boone's user avatar
  • 1,210
-1 votes
1 answer

What to do if other users are not accepting the answer? [duplicate]

For many questions, I posted the answers. One person said that this was correct and this solved the issue, but they are not accepting the answer. Still they are saying that this helped me in comments. ...
Choxx's user avatar
  • 945
-12 votes
1 answer

How to deal with people that don't accept answers? [duplicate]

Lately I noticed the following on SO: Users ask questions and disappear (question isn't accepted) Users who never accept an answer or never post the solution (if they found it on their own) How can ...
issathink's user avatar
  • 1,230
-1 votes
1 answer

Some SO users neither accept answers nor give any response [duplicate]

As you can see my profile for Stack Overflow, many of my answers have not been accepted, and in some cases, there has been no reply from the OP. So what should we consider in such cases? Should ...
Rohil_PHPBeginner's user avatar
4 votes
0 answers

SO Policy on asking to be marked as accepted [duplicate]

What is the Stack Overflow policy on asking original posters to mark answers as accepted, if they've already verbally suggested via comment that your solution worked for them? This has come up a few ...
Matthew Haugen's user avatar
-19 votes
1 answer

Encourage acceptance of correct answers [duplicate]

Although not always a problem, I have noted that it seems to be happening more. What that is, is that a poster has clearly seen the answer (as they have replied to it) and has stated that it has ...
Tempus's user avatar
  • 785
-1 votes
1 answer

Is it against rules to ask new users to mark answer as complete once you've answered their questions? [duplicate]

I'm just being safe here, and checking I'm not violating any rules. I see lots of users with 1 rep asking questions, saying "Thanks it worked!" but not marking the answer as answered. Is it ...
Ruby's user avatar
  • 528
1 vote
0 answers

Is it frowned upon to encourage a user to click the checkmark? [duplicate]

I was sure I had seen this question on here before, but I searched and couldn't find it. Occasionally, a new user will ask a question, and when I answer it, they comment on it saying that it helped ...
DJMcMayhem's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Building Rep and Etiquette [duplicate]

I have pretty recently begun to try to be active on Stack Overflow/Exchange and am still trying to get enough rep to comment on questions. Sometimes it is difficult to answer questions that don't ...
LJKims's user avatar
  • 158
2 votes
0 answers

Can I ask the OP to mark my post as Answer if he forgot to [duplicate]

My response to a question which resolved the issue was not marked as Answer by the OP. In the above scenario, it is clear that my post hit directly at the issue and was the only solution to the ...
Rama Kathare's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

What would be my approach to the user who don't accept answers of their questions [duplicate]

I seen seen many user in SO who barely accepted any answers on their questions. And what they have accepted most of them are self answer. What should be my approach or action toward these type of ...
Saif's user avatar
  • 6,912
1 vote
0 answers

What to do when the OP answers his own question in comments and none answer was right? [duplicate]

Not so long ago I answered this question, where the OP eventually found another way to solve his problem, while the answer could also helps him solve it. In this state, the question will remain ...
Chnossos's user avatar
  • 10.2k
368 votes
15 answers

Outdated Answers: accepted answer is now unpinned on Stack Overflow

Last week, as part of our Outdated Answers project, we ran a test on Stack Overflow to see what would happen if we stopped pinning the accepted answer to the top of the list of answers. As expected, ...
Anita Taylor's user avatar
64 votes
55 answers

Introducing the Staging Ground, an attempt at improving the first-time asker experience - What was asking your first question like?

Stack Exchange sites are some of the best knowledge resources available. The Stack Exchange network is built on the premise that good questions (asked with a good process behind them) can get good ...
SpencerG's user avatar
  • 101
158 votes
22 answers

A/B testing of a "Trending" sort option for answers

This experiment has concluded. We've gathered and analyzed the results in Results of the Trending sort experiment. As we’ve been moving forward on the Outdated Answers project, one of the things that’...
Kyle Pollard's user avatar
  • 2,233
190 votes
4 answers

What can I do if a user removes a question after I've written an extended answer? [duplicate]

Yesterday I was helping a guy (user in4001 ) with a programming question in this site. The question was titled "FBX transformation". I gave him code, answered his comments and extended code mutiple ...
diego.martinez's user avatar
175 votes
5 answers

Meta hasn't changed at all

Yesterday I've received the following reply: Meta StackExchange actually recommends that most questions, even ones that are network-wide, are asked on child metas first. Then, if it makes sense for ...
Shoe's user avatar
  • 75.7k
-145 votes
25 answers

Rule proposal: comments asking for accepts and votes shall no longer be allowed

Moderator Note: We appreciate the community's feedback on this and are not moving forward with this rule as currently proposed. We still recommend not leaving these comments, and moderators will ...
Machavity's user avatar
  • 31.2k
124 votes
1 answer

Is there a penalty for asking too many questions without accepting answers?

I recently came across this question: how to display an image in react from postgresdb. A user with a high amount of reputation (13k+) left a comment saying: A warning: you have asked too many ...
Janar's user avatar
  • 2,641
19 votes
1 answer

Is it OK to flag a question because there are no accepted answers?

I was wondering how to prevent people for not accepting answers that seems to be working for them. For example: Drupal different theme for ip How can I remove quotes in rss You can see there is ...
balintpekker's user avatar
  • 1,824
31 votes
2 answers

How should I deal with this answer by a developer of the product in question?

I just came upon this answer. It's certainly a good one, and solves the OP's problem (which is obvious by the comment they added under the answer, although they didn't accept it). The question is ...
user avatar
67 votes
1 answer

Should this be flagged for moderator or is this acceptable?

This user enters the thread one week after the question has "died" out. And this is more or less this user's way of doing. Always enters late, and in all fairness creates good answers, then almost to ...
Andreas's user avatar
  • 23.9k
23 votes
2 answers

How quickly should I accept an answer where the answer indicates that my problem is unsolvable?

I have a task which I want to solve which I had thought was achievable using Java reflection. The only respondant says it's not possible except my searching though the byte code of my app. It sounds ...
paul's user avatar
  • 13.4k
43 votes
3 answers

Teaching new users how to accept an answer

This keeps coming up time and time again. I answer someone's question, they upvote it and say thanks, but they don't accept the answer. I see many other questions answered by other users that never ...
BoffinBrain's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Is pointing out OP's accept ratio in comments inappropriate?

Is it inappropriate to point out that the OP has not accepted answers on all his/her previous questions? I posted that as a comment to a user who only had 50% accept ratio. Of the 12 question asked ...
Andreas's user avatar
  • 23.9k
8 votes
2 answers

What to do when the OP comments his question with "Thanks I solved it"?

I came accross this question. The question hasn't received any answer and only one potentially helpful comment. Yet, the OP managed to find a solution on his own and commented his question with "...
DrHaze's user avatar
  • 1,318
-35 votes
2 answers

Upvote answers where new users don't accept them themselves

There is this common problem that we face when answering new users' questions: they don't upvote/accept answers, even if they comment on them that "it worked". (Which is why this was raised as a "...
Adelin's user avatar
  • 7,987
-11 votes
1 answer

How to prod a new user to upvote a useful answer [duplicate]

I'm becoming reluctant to answer questions from new users since they often don't upvote or accept an answer. Frequently they will add some kind of "thanks" comment to the answer they found useful, ...
Jim Meyer's user avatar
  • 9,385
2 votes
1 answer

What should I do about comments were someone asks for their answer to be accepted/up-voted? [duplicate]

Today I came across this question, under one the answers there was a comment asking the OP to mark their answer as accepted, and up-vote it. please upvote and accept the answer thx I this ...
Caleb Kleveter's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to deal with popular questions with no accepted answer?

I'm looking at this question: Converting String array to java.util.List There are two answers with 7 upvotes, and one with 79 in between them. However, none of them are accepted. It looks like the ...
Anubian Noob's user avatar
  • 13.5k
19 votes
0 answers

Feature request: "Post notice" suggesting to accept an answer

In line with the abandoned rule proposal, I suggest the implementation of a "Post Notice" question banner in the style of the "Close Vote" banner, visible only to question authors, ...
Jeff Bowman's user avatar
  • 93.7k
-21 votes
1 answer

The SO should notify the upvotes at least if it's given by the person who has asked the question [closed]

It's been a week since I've joined SO, and find it very irritating to see all my efforts to be in vain. The problem is that sometimes all you get is an upvote for the correct answer (sometimes not ...
Saurabh Rajpal's user avatar
-35 votes
3 answers

Personal attack by a moderator, with no accountability [closed]

Update: I've toned down the language in the title and the body of this post. You can see the original in the edit history, if desired, and there are references to it in the comments. The original ...
mklement0's user avatar
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